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How did you guys decrease your daily calorie intake?

Hi guys!

For the past year I’ve plateaued at around 215-225, and I only have my daily intake to blame. I started at 300 lbs at the end of 2019 and now my RDI has plunged to barely 2000 kcal a day, but I still eat like I used to before.

I know most social interactions revolve around food and drinks, I ain’t complaining… (I cut down the amount of beer I drank drastically) But when you combine it with a physical job that makes me very hungry I’ll just eat like an animal during my fast-breaker.

I’ve been doing mostly OMAD for the past year, which has kept me from gaining weight, but I just can’t seem to be able to reduce my portions.

I ain’t even eating junk, just some good ol’ steak, beans and rice at the jobsite. I stay strong and healthy, but really want to reduce my body fat percentage to the high teens or low 20s.

Did you ever struggle with this? How did you overcome it?


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Hi !

I struggle too with appetite. Currently im doing an extended fast. Usually when i finish an extended fast and try to eat the same obscene portion my body will react with diarrea/upset stomach, its like my body telling me stop eating like an idiot!. At the end of the day is a matter of discipline, fasting is great to shed fat but if no permanent change is made in lifestyle current changes wont be permanent.

You have done better than me as you have kept from gaining weight, so at the moment for you is a matter of increasing your physical activity to increase your daily metabolic rate and/or decrease your intake portion.

Those options require will power to execute, if you can do fasting you have the willpower to do a 30 min walk after work , and beat the 215-225lb plateau.


I don’t count calories, but I keep portion sizes in mind and I aim for most of my meals to be relatively low carb. I also try to get plenty proteins and fiber (from veggies), though I don’t actively track macros.

If beer is an occasional treat I wouldn’t worry about it, but if several times per week it could be a problem.


Make the 1st part of your meal a “pre-meal” – fibrous and fatty, like raw vegetables + a few nuts or an egg, and drink a glass or water and then start your “real” meal as soon as you’re done. The pre-meal will provide 2 signals of satiety (fats and volume) and will bring on final/total satiety MUCH quicker as you eat the “real” meal. I swear by doing this.


i dont want to read wvery comment so idk if this has been said. but you should join volume eating, and once you get used to that maybe drink shots instead of beer. and in the warm months go walking instead of just sitting down and eating. its hard to not be able to eat like you used to before i gwt that. i used to be obese and now im back to a normal bmi. i still want to lose a bit but yhe best thinh is just eating more food for less calories. also popcorn!! skinnypop expensive, u can get a big bag from costco tho. but if u buy an airpoper off walmart and pop your own popcorn with no oil you can eat a boatload. that might help :)


High healthy fat, moderate protein, low carb (veggies), and as few as possible starchy carbs (breads/pasta/potatos).

If you’re a reader/listener, check out The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung. It talks about how various foods play their part in your body’s hormone reaction and that it’s not how much you eat but WHAT you’re eating that is key.


I basically quit fast food and eating out. Also I decided to eat only one portion at meals instead of two. In a way I was trying to avoid processed foods. The only way for me to break through a plateau was an extended water fast of 21 days or more.



You don’t mention your height or birth gender but those play roles in your “set weight”.

Like, if you’re a dude who is 6’4”, 215lbs is a good weight to be and shouldn’t try to go lower.

But, if you’re a woman who is 5’1”, it’s a different story.

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Categories: tea beer omad body fat struggle extended fast stomach do fasting calories portion size low carb fiber macro obese corn oil starch carbs obesity jason fung water fast