| | Water Fasting

How do I do my first water fast and what should I expect?

(19,M) The only other kind of fasting I’ve ever done is intermittent fasting using a 16:8 and 18:6 method. I lost 120lbs using this method. I want to do a water fast because I’ve realized that I’ve gained about 20lbs and 5-6 inches on my waistline after my first semester at college. I didn’t run(but walked a lot), gave up on IF, and drank an awful lot. I’m paying for my sins now I guess and I want to do a water fast to shed off some of the weight and kickstart a healthy routine I plan to implement when I return to school next week.

I’ve never done this before and I don’t know the rules, tips, etc.

Currently, I drink about a gallon of water every day and pee clear (and often). I have a multivitamin but I have to take it with food (and it doesn’t work without food; I’ve tried).

I’d like to attempt a 3 day water fast and my question are:

How much water should I be drinking?

How do I get my electrolytes/micronutrients?

Should I be exercising (I currently run roughly an hour every night)?

How much weight should I expect to lose?

How should I manage hunger?

What feelings/changes should I expect?

Is there anything else I should know/do?

Ultimately, this is about proving discipline and helping me feel less embarrassed in my own skin. I really want to try this and any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.

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>I’d like to attempt a 3 day water fast and my question are:

First, I’ll say a 3 day is a little intense given you’ve never done over 24. Definitely not outrageous, but I might suggest a shorter goal, with maybe co tinuing past that to 3 days if you feel well.>>How much water should I be drinking?>>How do I get my electrolytes/micronutrients?

These two are covered in the FAQ.>>Should I be exercising (I currently run roughly an hour every night)?

Exercise is good, but take it easy if you do. Maybe walk or jog instead. Definitely keep an eye on yourself and stop if you feel light headed, weak, or otherwise weird.>>How much weight should I expect to lose?

Multiply your TDEE by days fasting to get a semi accurate estimate of your weight loss. You will lose more, but that extra is water weight and the weight of food in your gut, so don’t be disheartened when it comes back after you eat.>>How should I manage hunger?

Hunger comes in waves. The best way to get through it is to stay busy. It will pass in about 20 minutes, usually. You can also drink a glass of water, potentially with some electrolytes (see faq) to make you feel fuller.>>What feelings/changes should I expect?

Past 24 hours or so you may feel a little low energy and cold. You may avoid this because your body is used to transitioning to a lower level of ketosis with your IF. After two days or more you may have trouble with sleep due to an increase in stress hormones.>>Ultimately, this is about proving discipline

Remember, failure is an option. If you mess up a fast, or you feel very uncomfortable and break before you reach your goal, that’s okay. You can always fast again. Demanding perfection the first time you try is setting yourself in a negative mindset.

> and helping me feel less embarrassed in my own skin.

Try to reframe this more positively. You want to improve yourself, like someone trying to reach a new max weight lift or cut their mile time. And remember, it took you years and years to get to the weight you’re unhappy at. It takes time and work to change, and so long as you’re making an effort, you will get there.


I’m currently on day 3 of a 30 day water fast same age as you as well honestly the first day is the hardest! But just remember your mind will decide how your fast goes I am extremely motivated and every time I see food I crave it but I remind myself of my end goal and how proud I will be if I complete it!


To manage the hunger stay busy and dont have food easily accessible. Most fasts end because of boredom that turns into convincing yourself it’s fine to give up. When I fasted while in my dorm it was easier than it is now because I never had food that I didn’t have to leave and walk somewhere to get to

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