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How do I get the courage to start again??


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I had the same issue; I had a lot going on and didn’t fast for the second half of December and gained a bit back. I downloaded the zero app (just the free version) and used that a week in the 16:8 plan. I don’t know what it is, but I like having something else tell me when to eat. I also listened to the “Intermittent Fasting Life Stories” podcasts each night before bed and while walking the dog. I have since pushed to more of a 18:6 and it is getting easier again. I also started clean fasting (nothing but unflavored black coffee and water during my fast) and that seemed to help some as well. Good Luck!


Give yourself permission to make mistakes. It’s just a minor setback. Yes, it means it will take longer to get to your goal. Yes, it means some of the work you did was undone. But this is a lifestyle change, and the fact is, you’re still down from your starting weight. Just say, “Oh, well. Time to try again!” and keep going.

You only fail when you give up entirely. You’re still in the game, and there’s going to be ups and downs. It’s also okay to be a little more casual. You don’t have to be as hardcore as some people on this sub; just do it in a way that works for you.

So pick yourself up, and try again! “First days” are just a single point the year. If a single day/period was enough to throw my weight loss off track, I’d have been sunk long ago!


My advice from my own journey struggling with failing is to make some positive goals. A process of negativity would only ever get me a few months before life would happen and I’d break my new habits and it was hard to restart. Making it about positive improvement made me want to engage with the whole process not just the outcome, which include getting back to it when I slip up.

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Categories: courage intermittent fasting clean fast coffee weight loss struggling habits