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How do IF with odds hours or on vacation?

I’ve been doing 16:8 or 18:6 fasting schedule. I’m about to head out of town for short trip with family; first day is odd as have to be up by 2:30am to get to airport by 3:30 for early morning flight. Will be at destination by 9:30am, so I could just continue to stick with my normal 16:8 fasting which is 7:30pm till 11:30am. Would you continue to stick same 16:8 or change it up that day only?

And adjust my 18:6 to later since family I’m with tend to eat out late (7:30-830) during my vacation. I’ll just readjust my eating window times to fit in late light lunch and late dinner. For those who are on vacation, what is your fasting schedule?

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You can either adjust or take a break for a day or two. I wouldn’t stress about it, do what makes sense for you.

If you are super loving the routine stick with it, but don’t beat yourself up if you can’t, is all I mean. You got it.

ETA: personally for me, when I travel I need to have my specific creature comforts, so I eat a bagel at every airport. It’s just what I do. I always have to remind myself it’s ok, so I’m reminding you too.


I would stick to your regular schedule if you can. But be flexible, it’s vacation!

For example, I do OMAD (dinner). I recently took a vacation and 90% of the time I did OMAD. One day we went out to breakfast, I certainly wasn’t going to miss out! I enjoyed and had a light dinner. A couple days I drank calories, had dinner, then dessert over 5 ish hours, instead of my normal 30 ish mins. On the long drive home and the day after, I fasted. I felt bloated and did a 48 h fast.

My point is, yes, try to stay on schedule. BUT there are times in life that you can’t get back. So enjoy your vacation and be flexible if needed and don’t beat yourself up.

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