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How do you avoid snacking??

Hey everyone!

So I’m new to this whole fasting thing and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to avoid the xtra snacking I’m doing.

So I’m trying out 18:6 fasting with eating mainly just 2 meals a day. One at 11am (600 calories) and another by 5 (700 calories).

The problem is I’m just constantly hungry in between 11-5, which eventually leads me to snacking taking in any where from 300-600 calories.

What can I do to work on this issue? I’m very much new to this (and to eating healthy in general) so I’m not sure if I should be adding or doing something different.

If anyone has any suggestions I would be more than happy to hear them!

(For additional information I’m 25, male, 5’8 200lbs, trying to get down to 160-170lbs. I’m also a pisces if that helps)

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Going low carb will greatly reduce if not eliminate hunger. Starting IF is rough at first. But once you are acclimated it’s great. Try to keep yourself busy and distracted in your fasting windows. The biggest thing that helped me when I was IF OMAD is it was easier for me to fast in the morning versus in the evening. I would have my one meal about an hour before bed which helped me sleep.


Do you plan your meals and make them as tasty as possible within your calorie limit? I can often convince myself not to eat between my two meals by telling myself I will be ruining my appetite for what I have planned for later.

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