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How do you bounce back after falling off IF?

Hi, so I’ve been doing IF for a few weeks now and prior to that had been easing my way into 16:8 by doing 12:12. This morning I ordered fast food breakfast hours before my eating window began and I really regret it. I got an hour of sleep and have a massive headache from a lupus flare I’m having and impulsively ordered fast food thinking it would make me feel better or something (hope this doesn’t come off as me making excuses, just trying to explain the circumstances and maybe see if anyone has advice on what to do to combat those impulses when you feel tired and sick). I also recognize that the best thing I can do is to just continue on regardless as sulking won’t fix anything, but I moreso wanna know what you tell yourself/do when/if that happens that helps you personally. Or what steps you take next- do you do a big workout, or do longer fasts after? I worked out pretty hard everyday this week so far, so I’m trying to ease my mind with that. Sorry if this was depressing- just kinda wanted to reach out instead of sulk in my own head.

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I think instead of over correcting with longer fasts or harder workouts. It’s better to just try and get back onto the horse normally. If you fell off at 16:8 then I don’t think it’s smart to go straight to 18:6. Instead I’d do a few 15s to get back into the Rhythm and get back to where I started. Just remember it gets easier, the hard part is you have to do it every day.


Just take it as a learning experience. No need to “make up for it” with exercise or longer fasts — that way lies eating disorders. Instead, do exactly what you did in this post: think about what led you to break your fast early and what happened when you did. That will help you figure out what to do differently in the future.

In this case, you were exhausted and had a bad headache, and you’ve been dealing with a lupus flare so you were already worn down. You ordered fast food in hopes that it would make you feel better. Did it make you feel better? Did it fix your headache or your tiredness? I’m guessing it probably didn’t, since you didn’t mention it. Lesson learned: Eating won’t fix those physical symptoms.

So now, next time you’re feeling tired and headachy and thinking of breaking your fast, you can remind yourself that you tried that and it didn’t help. Instead you can try some other form of self-care. Coffee, nap, hot shower, a walk, some ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

(If eating did fix your headache or your tiredness, then you’ve got different lessons to learn! Maybe they’re lessons like “Try supplementing electrolytes”. I’ve certainly had situations where I had headache, body aches, and fatigue, and I felt a lot better when I drank an electrolyte solution. I do 2 L water with 1/4 tsp table salt, 1/2 tsp No-Salt (potassium-based salt substitute), 1/2 tsp baking soda. I also take a 250 mg magnesium citrate capsule supplement.)

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