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How do you fast while maintaining social life

Disclaimer: english is not my mother language. I’ve been trying to start a long fast since last year but I can’t really get past the third day without social preassure boicoting my attemps. People don’t seem to understand fasting even if it is explained to them, they usually think of some kind of eating disorder like anorexia so sometimes I have been pushed to lie. If I’m going out with friends or going to a meeting I tell my family that I’ll eat there and to my friends I say that I’ve already eated back at home but they always push me to the extend of eating at least a snack or even dining with them.

Have you experienced some situations like that? How did you manage to overcome the social preassure? I appreciate every experience you can share

Moving out from home or reducing my social life isn’t really an option

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What type of fasts are you doing? Extended or intermittent (varies) with intermittent I plan ahead of time like say most days I do 20/4 (eating window 4 hours, fast 20) but if i planned going out with friends, I’ll usually just do 5:2, (eat normally maintence for 5 days and fast for 2 days (can varie 4:3 etc)). If it’s intermittent fasting, it’s easy to rearrange it to fit your scedule.

But if you’re doing extended fasting (7+ days), Like you said it’s hard fitting that in with a social life, you’ve pretty much already doing it by saying you already ate or not hungry ect. But you could suggest going out to places that don’t require eating with your friends and family.


I am honest about my fasting and goals. I get a lot of misconceptions and strange input but I am very well informed so I am pretty good and refuting misconceptions.

I have also found that I can attend social gatherings and draw attention away from eating.

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Categories: eating disorder snack intermittent eating window intermittent fasting extended fasting