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How do you find motivation to fast?

I used to be able to do week long fasts, but lately I’ve been losing the motivation to.

Today, I went the whole day without eating and I could have made it to the 24-hour mark, but I just wasn’t motivated enough.

How do you stay motivated during a fast?.

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The reason why you need to fast is your motivation. If the reason is not strong motivation will not be strong and the fast will be psychological struggle.

So first check if you really objectively need to fast, then go from there.

Do you really think 24 hour mark is objectively different than 22 or 23, whatever you did make it to?


Maybe a bit unconventional, but this works for me: I draw a plus marker in the middle and at the top of my left hand, and that marker stand for the feeling I achieve when I see my weight go down, the moment and how it feels. When I open my fridge or about to eat - I have this reminder. Works very well with the first two days of fast as this is the hardest ones for me.


I read somewhere that motivation is kinda counterintuitive. For example, after a while the challenge is more about putting your gym clothes on than lifting weights. Or actually getting up to start your day. Once you get over those things you just go on auto pilot: you just start working out or you just start your day. The motivation kicks in once you’re already doing it.

You don’t have to be in a “perfect mindset” to accomplish anything. So you did a 23.x hour fast, that’s amazing! That’s a win, not a failed 24hr fast.


I have a motivational document that I maintain and read when I feel like my resolve is waning.

One side uses my fears to motivate me.

The other side uses hope to motivate me.

It got me through my last two rolling 96h fasts.


I see a lot of posts about losing weight. Fasting helps with so many other things. For me, the main motivation was fighting Lyme disease symptoms.

But regardless of the reason for fasting, the things that made it bearable was staying occupied and drinking lots and lots of water. The hardest days were when I had to work and when family tempted me with food.

The easiest days where when I took a weekend trip by myself and just hiked in the woods all day.


When that wave of hunger hits I remind myself it’s only for 10 minutes and I can usually gain the control back. And when control is reestablished I log the win and self confidence and discipline increases preparing for the next battle. Usually around 42 hours.

When I’m not successful I change my last meal time and start the clock again.

All the best this year on your journey!


I reread Jason Fung’s book on fasting and other people’s articles and posts about fasting. I never know where I will find new and useful info so I read widely.

I have been finding it more difficult to do longer fasts too so I am changing things up and doing shorter, more frequent ones and adding in more hill walking. I will also try IF with a shorter window. I am looking forward to better weather as the cold, dark days have not helped.

I also think that keeping track of health markers other than weight is motivating. Better BG, BP, etc.


An initiation protocol or ritual is a very smart way to start a fast, IMHO. I usually write mine out in checklist form on an index card. At 2am tonight, which is 12 minutes away, I will say a special affirmation 100x, then step for 42 minutes on an 8” step, and then again with the affirmation 100x. That’s usually enough for me to get that “I’ve really started something special!” effect. So put together a list of things that will shake YOU out of your stupor and GET STARTED! Don’t wait on motivation to come to you. Manufacture it yourself. Good luck in 2022!


I rewatch the BBC documentary “Eat, Fast and Live Longer,“ which always reminds me of about 5 other reasons beyond my personal drivers.


Thinking about the coming collapse of the economy and society and how I want to be fit and able to run fast and fight and survive. Compared to being overweight, slow, can’t outrun anyone or run very long. Also want to be able to already be used to not eating, as there won’t be any food really available and people will be fighting and killing and looting just for basic things like food.

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Categories: to fast a fast struggle lifting weight working out mindset losing weight jason fung protocol overweight