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How do you guys deal with alcohol when out?

Ive been fasting 18:6 but I cant seem to stay on track. I started at 126lbs & have dropped down to 120lbs but now gaining again. Im 5’1 btw. When i’m out on the weekends I drink, like a lot (i know, bad) basically messing up my fast and the next day I always binge eat and it’s hard for me to get back on track, then after it’s just downhill from there. Do you all allow yourselves a cheat day? I guess i’m looking for advice on how to continue to stay motivated & not binge! I just hate how i’m starting to drop the pounds & just gain it all back again.

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I personally only allow myself a cheat meal once a week not a day and my reasoning behind that is if it’s a whole day you could easily go way over calories and mess up the progress you just did for the week in a day


I workout religiously so usually when I do plan to drink I do lots of cardio beforehand on top of IF and cardio the next day. I make sure I burn a shit ton of calories that way it doesn’t really set me back all that much, if at all.


I love fasting after a night of drinking, but it definitely took discipline to make that a habit. I stick with drinking quality alcohol and a full glass of water between each beverage, plus electrolytes before bed or in the morning. And I try my best to eat very healthy during my next meal with lots of greens and healthy fats to help recover. This is a good balance to still enjoying life (I love going out for drinks) but staying on track (no cheat meals).

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