| | Water Fasting

How do you guys do rolling 72s and/or extended fasts whilst working?

As the title states. I’m looking to get back into fasting and reaching my goal weight, but work, and other internal and external health factors are preventing me from it.

Not to mention, I hate my current job, and when I come home, I automatically crash and can’t make myself go to the gym, but that’s another issue, in itself lol.

I’d love any tips, opinions, and success stories!

Note: I used to be able to fast for 5-7 days, water only, but now it’s a huge issue.

26M | CW: 260lbs. | GW: 160lbs. | 6’1

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This is the problem I’m having. I was able to do rolling 72s easily during the pandemic when I wasn’t working, but after returning, not only have I gained back weight, I’m having a hard time going beyond 24 hrs. My day is so miserable I just want to come home and eat to feel good.


If I see that I can’t do an extended fast or that I’m not in the headspace to do it, I don’t do an extended fast. In fact, I rarely do 72h, much less rolling 72s, because it’s completely unsustainable for me. Trying to achieve rolling 72s as a regular thing would ensure failure. But that’s me.

No one should aim for rolling 72s when they feel like they can’t fast anymore. Plus, you have a job you don’t like, this isn’t the time to use fasting as “the one thing you can control”.

My two cents is that you should start small. Get your OMAD game strong, then do an occasional 36, 48, then do a 72h if you want to. Set yourself up for success.

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