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How do you guys figure in energy drinks?

My go to is the Monster Ultra line which runs at 10cal per can. It’s all of 6g carbs and then B vitamins. Do you think this kills the fast?

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Are you drinking it during your eating window? If not then yes it is killing your fast. If fasting for weight loss then it might not be that big of a deal. I personally suggest to cut energy drinks out of your diet completely!


For weight loss it won’t matter if you have one. It may matter for your toilet. Those things give me a royal flush when I’m not fasting. While fasting you probably want to think twice about sneezing after drinking it.


Less then a certain amount of calories doesn’t break fast there are people adding small amount of milk in their coffee that’s more then 10 kcal and going to have more chance of breaking a fast .

Zero calorie sodas are fine too I just won’t make it a habit .For weight loss you are 100% safe (People claiming it destroys gut biome so does coffee)


i think if ur doing it for spiritual reasons, then likely yes.

if for medical reasons, it’ll depend on what ur doing it for so it’s best to ask ur doctor.

for weight loss, then no. it’s minimal calories and cico is the main factor to losing weight, so i think ur good !


I’m on Day 8 of a fast and having done some of these length of fasts before, I can say from comparison it’s easier to do it without caffeine or any diet sodas at all.

I sleep 100x better when I don’t have caffeine in my system (was a Diet Dew guy).

Also the taste and general outline of Diet Dew always triggered something in my brain expecting more junk food. Typically Diet Dew was accompanied with a bagel sandwich or chips or gummy bears or something else. So cutting out caffeine has made this fast a LOT easier than fasts I’ve tried in the past.

That being said, cutting out caffeine cold turkey absolutely sucks. I spent a few days getting off it completely before beginning my official food fast.

I did briefly flirt with caffeine free Diet 7-Up while on this fast but the aspartame can inhibit fat loss even while fasting, despite not triggering a significant insulin response. Also it just made me feel bloated so I cut it out.

So I mean… If that one low cal soda/energy drink is gonna keep you from otherwise breaking your fast with a cheat snack, you do you. But it can actually make the rest of your fast harder in the long run if your brain associates other goodies with that drink. So proceed with caution :)

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Categories: energy carbs vitamin eating window if fasting weight loss oil calories coffee a fast soda habit losing weight sleep snack