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How do you guys learn to like black coffee??

I do shift work at a hospital and wake up anytime between 3-8 am depending on the shift. I need some cream and maple syrup in my coffee!

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Start off slowly cutting the cream and maple syrup and eventually you’ll get to a point where you enjoy the taste. I used to drink double double 🤢 and slowly started cutting the sugar, then milk and I’ve been drinking it black for years now. It’s so good

ETA: you can try adding a dash of cinnamon to the ground coffee. Really takes it to another level


I gave up trying. Years ago, I did whole-30 for almost two months. So coffee was only allowed to be black. I bought freshly roasted beans. I ground them every morning. I did French press and aero press using just the right temperature water. And you know what I was craving the most toward the end? Coffee with cream and splenda.

I have success with weight loss while drinking coffee with milk and splenda daily. Am I truly fasting? No. I’ll be the first one to admit this. But those extra 50 calories of milk is what helps keep me sane. If I ever manage to hit my goal weight, and want to fast to autophagy, I’ll just skip coffee and stick to water.


I brew it with a dash of salt. Cuts the bitterness. Some people add salt to their coffee but I tried that and it didn’t work for me. I’m a cream and sugar coffee drinker and I was able to transition to black with that trick.


I hated the taste of coffee for years, and only began drinking it when I started working graveyard shifts. Turns out, I only hated the taste of the crappy bitter stuff from the workplace break room. Try different blends and different roasts. Start to wean yourself off of the sugar and cream. You may find that you begin to enjoy the taste of coffee alone.


Raised by my grandparents. In the morning grandpa would brew a whole pot and drink it throughout the day, no cream or sugar and without reheating it once it cooled. I grew just assuming that’s how people drank coffee. It wasn’t until my early twenties that I realized the majority of people do not drink it cold and black. I’ve tried cream, sugar, flavors etc. But its just too sweet to my tongue’sexpectation. I do however, enjoy it hot, but still still prefer cold and just black. My wife thinks I’m insane.


They say if you have something enough times you will eventually learn to like it. For me I started off with having really strong coffee as I like it strong anyways, was not long before I adjusted to black coffee.


Well to start you have to have strong good quality coffee, not that tea ish halfbreed crap.But I used to drink it 60/40 coffee/milk 🙄. One day I decided that enough is enough and just stopped adding anything to it. It tasted bitter for the first week. Now I can’t drink it any other way. Unless some clueless person serves that weak ass lightly coffee flavored water.


I worked at Starbucks in high school. During training we had to taste test a bunch of coffee and it was black. We brewed it in French press. Start with high quality coffee with a proper good brew. After years I now even drink hotel coffee black. It’s disgusting, but better black.


The true magic is to buy proper and high quality coffee - look for specialty coffee. And choose by your taste more chocolate or sweet tones or more flowery/fruity/acid. People who sell this should help and recommend.


The true magic is to buy proper and high-quality coffee - look for specialty coffee. And choose by your taste more chocolate or sweet tones or more flowery/fruity/acid. People who sell this should help and recommend it. t.


My suggestion involves a bit of an investment but I recommend learning to appreciate different varieties and roasts, especially from local roasters. Invest in a good hand grinder and brewing method like aeropress or a pour over. You’ll get much better tasting black coffee. I’ve come to look forward to trying out new roasts and tasting the differences between.

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