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How do you handle peer pressure?

I’ve been doing fasting with keto and it’s going well for me except for the pressure I get from work and family. It’s especially difficult when birthdays come up because there’s always a cake and you’re expected to have some otherwise you’re being rude…… Maybe if it was just one event a month or something it wouldn’t be so bad but it’s more like 2-3 times a month between birthdays and holidays, which is just too much for me. Work is also constantly doing brunches where I’m literally forced to meet them at a Cafe. How do you decline food without sounding rude? Especially when people keep offering you food over and over again and asking why you aren’t eating?

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Just be assertive, if these “peers” won’t take the hint after you say no thank you a few times, turn it around on them and ask why it’s so hard for them to accept that you just don’t want their cake. It’s none of their business and you’re doing nothing wrong. Birthdays and stuff like that is about gathering and fellowship anyways, not cake. People can be such nosey dickheads. Stay the course and good luck!


At cafes or restaurants, get a cup of coffee or tea. I find that having something will keep people off of you a bit. Or when people keep ask, say that you’re not hungry or that you’re trying to cut out sugars. I hope that’ll help some!


You could say, “A part of me would love a piece of cake, but I’m going to hold off for today. Thank you though!” I never explain, and this statement, for me, is actually the truth. A part of me would love that cake. Saying “thanks” usually forces them to accept your answer.


I took a keto dessert with me to the last party. Tho i m not doing keto, i m not eating sugar. It was a hit , few others had my diet dessert instead of the regular cake. I took one of those high protein ice cremesIf you are fasting u just have to refuse, or in my case saying I m fasting for religious reasons keeps many ppl quite. Ppl dont mess with religious shit 🤣


I usually say little white lies. For example, something like, “oh no thanks I already ate” or “looks delicious but I already had a really big breakfast” or “I’m allergic to something and am doing an elimination diet to help figure it out so I would prefer to only eat things I’ve made”. It works


Family is a different story than friends or work. The people that live you should respect your choice to get healthy. A simple “I’m doing this for my health and would appreciate your support as I work through this difficult process”. Work, friends, dinner I give a simple “I’m good” when asked to order and I just sit there and have a coffee and soda water. It’s rarely an issue. Or you can use the excuse if: I was really hungry so already ate something right before we meet up.


I became so tired of explaining why I’m not eating sugar that I started saying I have diabetes and cannot touch it. People leave me alone after that and never offer me any sweets.

Tried explaining at first but I just don’t have patience for all the health advice from people who look exactly like I did before weight loss. Like I know you are eating shit and just lying how you eat healthy, I did the same… so I switched to the diabetes excuse and it works.

Truth is I was steady on a pathway to diabetes before cutting all the crap and loosing weight.

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Categories: keto holidays coffee tea sugar shit dinner soda diabetes weight loss