| | Water Fasting

How do you have fun while fasting or distract yourself?

With working out, it can be fun working towards a new personal record or fun if its a sport like soccer or boxing.

With “eating low calorie” or diets without prolonged fasting, cooking or looking forward to your next meal can be considered fun.

But with fasting you don’t get any of that immediate activity. No fun, I suppose.

Though with fasting, you get to save time and money by not preparing, eating, cooking, and cleaning. Also I have worked out while fasted before. Its a great distraction if you can do it.

The time saved by fasting also gives you more time for your hobbies too.

But aside from those things, what are things you do to distract from “boredom” or hunger pains? Or to make fasting more fun or enjoyable?

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The fun for me is around day three when you just stop being hungry, it’s like a magic trick and I’m shocked and excited every time it happens. I enjoy drinking insane amounts of water. The salt lick becomes something to look forward to even lol… day five your body releases all sorts of feel good chemicals mainly for me my joins feel better and this excites me. By this point I usually end my fast depending on how I’m feeling. This too is a “fun” part for me as I start to look forward to the refeed but simultaneously I’m feeling good for having made it this far and so if I feel good I’ll push the fast another day. Checking the scale at different times throughout the day becomes a lot of fun, I fluctuate a lot! I also have a sadistic thing where I’ll vape/smoke marijuana while I fast and that can be fun too.


Everyone has stuff they have been meaning to do but never seem to have time for. In my case it’s odd jobs around the house like fixing that cracked light switch cover or finishing that herb garden.

If I don’t have that, I will often buy a few model kits and build them.


I got into sewing not so long ago so that’s what has kept me distracted so far. I’m also entertaining myself with YouTube, Reddit, and the Internet in general. Other than that, I’m sleeping and sunbathing a lot. It’s day 17 and I’m proud :)

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