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How do you minimize weight gain after a fast?

3lbs up in 2 days after my fast, I did lose 7lbs from my fast though. Is it better to cycle through fast for better weight loss results?

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You don’t. Just take into consideration that you will gain after a fast. Because you have food and water in your body and digestive system. It’s not weight gain, but just your body turning ‘on’ again.

Beter look at your dimensions, they stay the same after a fast.


You did not lose 7lbs of fat from your fast, unless you fasted for 7-14 days, and you did not gain 3 lbs of fat 2 days after your fast. This is all water.

Calculate your approximate daily caloric expenditure, add in how many active calories you spent, divide that by 3500: that’s how many pounds of fat you approximately lose each day you fast. Anything beyond that is water, glycogen and food in your digestive system.


They problem is your understanding of what the scale is telling you.

A scale tell you your WEIGHT, not how much fat you have. So 5lbs less of WEIGHT does NOT mean 5 lbs of fat lost. Imagine you just finished a 5 day fast and you weigh 200lbs. Now drink a pound of water and weigh again. Scale says 201, did you really gain 1lb of FAT??

The “post fast weight gain” is really just the WEIGHT of the food in your digestive system and the weight of water binding to any glycogen you’re body is storing. Which btw is like 3-4 grams of water for every gram of gycogen.

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