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How do you resist food temptation during fast?

How do you resist food temptation during fast?

My tummy goes brrrr and I didn’t complete my dry fast goal.

Before I broke my fast, my tummy got hungry and then I binged a lot of food pics on Reddit which made me really wanted to eat them.

When my parents came home with food, I decided to just eat.

Water wasn’t difficult. I don’t think I binged water pics.


I deal with tummy urges by looking at food pics.

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If you’re tempted by food, it’s probably best to avoid food pics? Looking at stuff that makes you want it more is a certain way to drive your mind into breaking the fast.

It sounds like you need something to occupy your mind. Keeping busy/occupied so that you aren’t actively thinking about food and then wanting to break the fast.


Keeping yourself occupied as much as possible is #1.

In my opinion, #2 is don’t be too hard on yourself. Say you only made it 24 hours this try. Next try push for 36 minimum. Typically once you clear the 48 hour..maybe 72 hour mark maximum, your immediate cravings for food will tend to subside pretty drastically. From there, it’s all a mental game.


Focus on small goals, the smaller the better.

Set a routine for yourself, for example I do 3:1s (3 day fast,1 day rest/refeed to get the food hunger/temptation all out of ur system on that whole day of refeed, repeat.

Give yourself time to fail if u fail, let urself fail sometimes, but see why u failed and reflect, if u give up bc u wanted to fast longer for whatever reason, just don’t let it be the end all, let urself fail! It’s going to happen wether we like it or not, How u pick urself up is whats important in success.

Celebrate ur successes by the week, so start on a Sunday/Monday and see ur progress by Friday/Saturday, you’ll be much more motivated by the end of the week to start again to see ur next batch of results

Use ur notes app for inspiration, give yourselfs reason to want this, bc if u don’t want it enough, then u simply won’t do it, so find ur own motivation, try to appreciate the time u have while ur healthy and utilize ur potential youth.


How old are you? Dryfasting is a serious therapeutic modality that likely isn’t metabolically appropriate for minors without specific medical need.

The facts that you appear to be attempting it without parental supervision and using phrases such as “my tummy got hungry” leads me to believe you might want to dial back on your fasting aspirations for awhile.

What are your fasting goals?

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