I usually do IF and/or OMAD with a 20:4 timing.
With some trial and error I have found that 10am-2pm is my ideal eating window where the hunger either side is much lower, I sleep better and am have more success with weight loss.
I’m curious to know what others found has worked for them and why? Cheers!
I guess technically I am a 23:1 OMAD protocol, but in reality I almost never take a full hour to eat dinner. More like 20-30 min tops I’d say.
I eat dinner each night with my family and we normally sit down to dinner between 5-7pm depending on what our 2 kids might have going on any given night (cub scouts, sports, etc.)
My preference for this has more to do with my desire for family time than anything else. It might be an old fashioned notion nowadays, but dinner at the table each night is a pretty ingrained tradition in this house. I am just thankful that I have been able to reach my health goals without deviating from this.
I do ADF (most of the time, kinda). That’s alternate day fasting.
I’m finding my best eating window is 6:30am until early afternoon. If I eat later than say 4pm, I feel like I’m still digesting when I go to bed at 9pm.