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How does LiverKing eat a bunch of salt and not die?

I read the lethal dose of salt is .3-3g of salt per kg of body weight… for someone 75kg, that’s 22.5-225g of salt, what makes someone more tolerant to sodium?

There’s so many other chemicals or minerals, or vitamins than have such a small lethal dose… how many people accidentally loll themselves from not knowing their body was intolerant to a certain food!? Shame..

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Well he’s obviously eating less than the lethal dose. I don’t really follow his stuff but I doubt he’s using more salt than a ramen, chip based diet honestly. Maybe he said that’s how much salt but I doubt he’s tracking it and if he is then he’s probably found an optimal level and is eating there. With everything that came out the most interesting to me personally was that he eats a standard body builder diet mostly. So he’s tracking and he knows what he’s eating and how much. Plus you can have a good amount of salt healthily unless there’s a health reason why you can’t, you just hold more water


While he’s full of bollocks.

Sodium really isn’t a problem. The general population is just so unhealthy that sodium becomes an issue.

However. My god, even if your diet is rounded with whole foods and you’re active, this is more than our ancestors would seek out.

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