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How does one get the best physique in 3 months? (Fitness advice for beginners)

How does one get the best physique in 3 months?

Let me start by saying that you will not reach your maximum potential in just a span of 3 months. So it’s just not possible to get the best physique in 3 months only.

After this discouraging news I would like say that 3 months are enough to get in a routine and your body will start showing some signs of progress if you train dedicatedly and have the right knowledge about nutrition.

Here are some tips I would like to offer to a beginner who is starting their fitness journey.

Focus on compound movements like bench press, deadlift, squat, overhead press etc. because these are the ones that will help you pack on the most muscle. Many beginners make the mistakes of doing too many isolation exercises in the beginning which is not ideal for a newbie.

Pay attention to what you are eating and choose healthy foods over junk and processed foods.( majority of the population don’t have very solid eating habits)

Don’t ego lift and always choose quality over quantity. Lift a weight with which you can perform most reps while maintaining good posture.

Stop thinking that doing 500 sit-ups or crunches per day will give you a ripped 6 pack.( Nutrition is more important here).

Don’t think that no progress can be made without supplements. (Supplements do have their place but progress as a beginner can be done without them)

Rest is the most important part of recovery so make sure that you are getting atleast 7 hours of sleep every night and atleast 1–2 days off from training every week.

Do some form of cardio 3–4 times a week because cardiovascular fitness is much much more important than only looking good externally.

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The compound movements! Totally. You often see people who start going to the gym doing bicep curls or cable press downs. Can’t blame them because it’s what they see in culture.

Compound movements are really all that’s needed for most people.

Top post!!


I get in my head of what the “perfect” routine week should look like and when I hit a rest day, I feel I should be doing something then end up hurting myself by over training or not doing anything because I lost the workout momentum.


This advice is targeted towards people who are new in fitness and have all kinds of misconceptions, this is just like the tip of the iceberg but it may be useful to people who are starting their fitness journey. I recently did make a video which is for almost everybody who likes to train and it talks about vitamin d and its role in athletic performance and what should be the optimal level of vitamin d for athletes and general population. If you are interested you can watch it here.


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