| | Water Fasting

How does this make sense? Almost no progress.

I fasted previously for 8 days and went from 227-214 (6.0ft 32yo M). Then I ate normally (under my BMI) for 4 days but did not keep it keto. After the 4 days of normal eating I went back up to 225, okay I assume that’s all water weight.

I am now on day 4 of my second fast and I am only at 217 lbs. I assume by now all and any water weight should have disappeared especially since I drink about 10 water bottles and 5 cups of herbal tea a day. In 4 more days I will be back at 214/213, which is where I ended on my last fast.

I feel like my progress just got slapped in the face and I am starting again from scratch. This is so discouraging its not even funny.

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You lost 13lbs in 8 days and now are at 8lbs lost in 4 days. You’re staying on track and this time around seems to have quickened. However, I high encourage you to keep in mind your body will soak up fluid when breaking your fast. That doesn’t mean you only lost 2lbs in 8 days. Your digestive system and water retention hold onto quite a bit of weight.

Keep doing 4 days fasts with 1 or 2 days of eating in-between and don’t rush this. Don’t develop an unhealthy relationship with food. Steady loss is better than sudden loss. It’s maintainable for months and harder to put the weight back on.


You gotta ease back into it. I just doing OMAD and once a month I do a 72hrs fast. I’ve been doing this and I’m staying steady and have more energy. I believe fasting and then going back to normal is terrible for you metabolism. I have more energy with the OMAD than I did with the three meals a day. If you actually look at the ppl that eat 8-10 small meals a day they complain about the same thing going back to the three meals a day


Welcome to any and every diet plan. You’re going to “plateau” every now and then.

There are plenty of factors that keep your body from eating its stored fat. Most are manageable and easy to control from outside. it’s why fasting often has quick and impressive results. Some factors we have less control over like stress, sleep quality, and even the weather can tell our bodies to hang on to that fat for later.

We pack it on as a lifesaving feature, so don’t expect it to just drop off without a fight. If your body recognizes all the fat reserves it’s been building are suddenly being dissolved. It’s going to try and make the most of your remaining fat. Part of that is making it more difficult for you to burn that fuel.

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