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How important is protein distribution?

Does protein distrubution matter regarding optimising protein synthesis? Could someone aiming to eat 120g of protein per day eat it in two 60g servings and that be as optimal as more smaller servings? How about all 120g in one serving? If these larger, less frequent servings aren’t as optimal as more frequent smaller servings, how much of a difference is there in efficacy concerning muscle growth and repair?

Thanks very much for any insights

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here is a study about distribution of protein consumption. Lots of info in there but maybe a quick answer to your question in the conclusion section:>Quantifying a maximum amount of protein per meal that can be utilized for muscle anabolism has been a challenging pursuit due to the multitude of variables open for investigation. Perhaps the most comprehensive synthesis of findings in this area has been done by Morton et al. [2], who concluded that 0.4 g/kg/meal would optimally stimulate MPS. This was based on the addition of two standard deviations to their finding that 0.25 g/kg/meal maximally stimulates MPS in young men.


As far as I understand there are optimum times for protein intake simply coz your body requires more fuel at those times and an ideal body would benefit more from knowing fuel was available vs consuming more readily available sources of energy(already integrated biomass).
I haven’t read any research on the efficacy of consuming one single giant meal but it logically follows that if you’re consuming that meal every single day you will have more biomass available than is being spent.

I think it depends more on your long term goals, body builders need to focus minutely on fat distribution and optimizing intake. Weightlifters just need fuel.
The average strength focused individual likely won’t see any difference from either approach apart from lethargy after one huge intake. Also probably have to see a huge swing in biorhythm with more energy being available close to the meal vs further away from it meaning an inevitable crash.
Most bodybuilders also report an inevitable sense of craving that grows over time even with carefully distributed protein meaning there is probably some mechanism in the body that favors regular intake over one giant meal.


Like another side, more important to reach daily overall goal than it is to distribute it for “best” absorption. Experiment with it. If you like to do 6 meals a day and spread out your protein amongst them, great. If you like to do two big meals where you eat 100g a protein per, great.

At the end of the day it is more about fitting to your lifestyle and finding what works best for you. Studies focus on numbers, not behaviors.

Behaviors make change, not numbers.


Many people I know eat one meal a day and cramming all their protein requirements within that hour or two. I’ve seen other people gain muscle mass as well as myself with this method. Like another has said the daily amount is more important than the timing.


Distribution isn’t as relevant as the total protein

60g of protein per meal twice a day isn’t so much “bad” as it is unrealistic/not necessary

You can aim to have 20-30g of protein per meal realistically, and you can have 1-2 on protein snacks. Yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, or you can have a protein bar or shake as a snack. Or, if you are into having dessert every night, make it protein centered. I like to make ice cream out or protein shakes for example

Personally, I aim for 100-120g of protein myself and I find it easier to get more protein in the morning, like 30-40g. Then maybe mid-morning I’ll have a small protein snack (7g-15g)

As far as muscle growth and repair - again the most relevant thing is the total protein per day, and also, you still want to meet your protein needs on your rest days

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