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How intermittent fasting changed your life , and your relationship with your body ?

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Mainly it’s made me realize the whole eating 3 meals a day thing was a marketing ploy to make people rich while making us fat and unhealthy. It all snowballed into the shitshow we have in front of us now with garbage “food” and overeating.


My relationship food is much better now!! But there will always be up and downs as well:)! The more u practice IF the easier it should be.. right now im in a position where i could control food instead of food controlling me!!Goodluck on your journey wishing u for best health:)!


Paying more careful attention to when i am really truly hungry because i experience true hunger at least once a day. And enjoying the feeling of not being FULL full, but just satiated. When not doing IF just being satiated often isn’t enogub. I need to be FULL. It’s nice to recognize satiation.


I have struggled with disordered eating since my early teens. I’m in my late 30s and for the first time since then food is not a source of stress for me. I allow myself to have that occasional creamer, tab of butter, or piece of candy (within reason) and I don’t fall into that well I’ve ruined my day, every thing is undone now, all or nothing mentality that calorie counting would always leave me with. I just eat during my window and don’t outside of my window. My digestive health is better, my mental health is better, and I am changing my body composition in ways that even my body dysmorphia can’t cloud. It works in so many ways beyond weight loss, at least for me.


Made me lose my addiction to fast food and pizzas, I don’t crave either anymore, I don’t feel hungry all day like I used too. I kinda just want to eat healthy food now.

For my body, I lost 50 pounds so far. I look better in clothes, my stomach doesn’t pop out anymore, I feel better, the pains in my knees I used to have is pretty much gone. I feel like I have more energy and I don’t get exhausted or start sweating when walking in a store.

The main thing I do love is how I look in clothes now, I feel like I look normal, it’s a better feeling when going out, I feel better about myself and my appearance and my body when before I felt embarrassed.

Another bonus is people recognizing my face and body changed and the compliments I get from them.

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