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How long could someone survive off of multivitamins and protein shakes?

Not something I plan to do. Just curious if it’s sustainable to get as much as you need without actually eating.

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You’ll die when your body runs out of fat. You can live without carbs, but your body requires fat and protein in your diet. Do protein shakes have fat? I don’t know. I’ve never had one or read the ingredients.


Let’s do some math. Mmmkay?Bear with me this is EXTREMELY simplified.

The fat guy mantioned over here lost 125 kg.1 kilo fat equals roughly 7500 kcals.

This means he lost about 2500 kcal each day, as 125 x 7500 = 975500 kcal). Which means he by fasting met his target for calories every day.

Say you weigh 100 kg at a 30% body fat. You loose 15 kg for a body fat % of 15% after fasting.

This is 7500 kcal x 15 = 112500 kcal. Divide by a daily consumption of 2200 kcal and it should take 51 days to burn it all.

So, for how long you can survive; what is the lowest fat % a body can handle sustained? Then just do the math.

At 100 kg / 30 % body fat you will not survive past 100 days with no food/kcal intake.


I don’t know, but I don’t recommend you try to find out…..you wouldn’t be getting fiber, or enzymes from vegetables….two necessary things that keep your system healthy….your stomach is designed to eat meat and vegetables…..you might get through a day or two but you would start to feel sick pretty fast, I would imagine….


It’s a question of what happens to your gut biota. If they die off it’s difficult to add them back and they mediate immune response. If you have no gut biota left and eat food again then your gut will react to this foreign matter and you may get autoimmunity on your gut lining.


Protein shakes have most goodness crushed right out of them, they are hardly food.. Multivitamins are dubious at best, and useless without a dietary fat. I have a considerable issue with multivitamins in general, honestly, to insinuate that we are capable of emulating God and subsisting on some faux nutrient cube is asinine [arrogant too].. The complex dynamics that occur in the body are an enigma, an impossible labyrinth, and unique to each individual esp. in our advanced civilization. I would expect that an individual who relies entirely on protein shakes and multivitamins might survive temporarily because they are fulfilling their TDEE thermal energy requirement for the machine to keep running, but they would likely slowly perish becomes of some nebulous set of medical disorders.


People live off fast food dinner and drinks for a long time, depending on Quality and ingredients of protein shake and multivitamins along with genetics and individual health my guess is a full life lol


With the right items you could live for forever. The multivitamin would need to be meant as a total substitute and probably dosed 3x the amounts they recommend. They currently suggest Nutrient 950 if you are making your own formula. Then you would just need to make sure the protein shake has enough protein and fat. That’s all you need to live off of. I personally had to make my own formula due to all my allergies so my dietitian gave me pretty much a recipe for formula.


There was a nutrition prof at the U of Manitoba in Winnipeg who told his students that someone could eat a Twinkie at every meal and still lose weight and would be better for it. They challenged him to prove it. He figured he could stand to lose 25 lbs so he did. He ate three twinkies a day - breakfast, lunch and supper, and also had a smoothie and took multivitamins. After several months, he had lost the 25 lbs and was far better for it. In fact, he said that all of his health markers were far better at the end than anyone had anticipated.

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