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How long do I need to fast to start losing weight?

I’m on my 4th day of water fasting today, but still did not lose a single pound? What is happening? I’m starting to get worried something is wrong with my body. I need help from you guys! Thanks so much!

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Fluctuations in water weight can disguise fat loss, eg, if you lose 1lb of fat, but retain an extra 2lbs of water, the scale will show you being 1lb heavier, even though you are in fact leaner. You’d be better off weighing yourself weekly, rather than daily.


The general idea is simple enough, you are caloric deficient and you will lose weight corresponding to the amount of deficiency.

Basal metabolic rate does decrease when fasting, but not dramatically so, and there are some debate about the caloric-weight rate and it may not be correct to say “7500 kcal deficient = 1kg of bodyfat lost” but its also not a TERRIBLE guideline.

And there arent really any way around this, if you do not take energy in your body have to get the energy from storage. If you dont see a drop in weight, then it almost certainly is due to water. The calories you have used without eating WILL have taken a bite out of your fatstorage. So dont panic, I highly doubt anything is wrong.


Measurements help. I lost more inches than pounds at first. And I also tend to see ponds continue to drop after my refeeds. Every body is different, you will just have to learn yours, but science is on your side!


Most of the weight people lose initially is water weight. if you were already keto before, you wont lose more water most likely. People in avg lose about 1kg of pure fat in 5 days fast. To lose more than that you would need to be quite heavy or exercise.

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Categories: to fast losing weight water fasting lose weight deficiency energy calories keto