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how long do side effects last? Transitioning to OMAD keto

I’m following alot of advice from Dr Berg and fast, feast, repeat

Previously was on a very junk based diet, combined with PCOS and a pregnancy (I had my daughter 21 months ago) and my weight has only gone up and up. Something needed to change and so I have transitioned to an IF lifestyle.

Was doing 18:6 for a couple of weeks, but now am on day 4 of my OMAD Keto transition and find after my meal (I break fast for 1 hour at 1.30pm) I am getting terrible gas pain and yesterday had the runs for a bit.

I assume it’s my body detoxing (my lunches consist of healthy fats - avocado, hemp seed oil, hemp seeds, avocado oil, butter) along with a big salad, sauerkraut and a protein (typically steak or salmon)

Hoping this ends soon as it’s quite painful!!! Not to mention I’m getting some keto flu symptoms

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Couldn’t tell you about the gas, but the runs is a very normal fasting experience. You know how you used to poop multiple times a day? Well you’re still going to do that, but now there’s nothing giving substance to the poops.


Here’s an excellent book about PCOS & Intermittent fasting - The PCOS Plan.

Here’s my favorite female focused fasting podcast (they cover PCOS often) a good episode that discusses pcos The Fasting Method - Ep 28 OBGYN Dr Melissa Hauge.


Is your body used to the amount of fiber you’re taking in? If it isn’t you may need to slowly work up to your fiber intake. I went all-in consuming a shit ton of fiber after reading Fiber Fueled & my guts were anything but happy. (Same side effects you’re having.) I slowly worked my way up & the GI upset subsided. I can now eat 3 big ass salads in a 4 hour period, or one BAS, one smoothie & a fiber packed soup with no issues.


What you describe sounds like an intolerance reaction. Some foods become problematic when no longer eaten together with lots of carbs. Salad was like this for me, so I had to cut it completely after going keto. I was slow to realize, and that left some permanent damage on my digestive system. So LISTEN to your body and stop taking all those new things until you have tested them one by one and learned where the problem comes from.

Hem oil has a lot of omega6 in it. If it just a teaspoon pr day to get the omega3, then it should be ok. I would not take much more than that though.

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