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How long does it take for water you drank to hydrate you?

Question in title. Is it ok to exercise shortly after waking up? Would you be hydrated enough? If you drink right before starting, after being asleep for while and obviously not drinking anything then. Does it take a couple hours after your first drink for the water to actually reach muscle and other organs? Any replies are appreciated because I can not find anything on google for some reason.

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Your physiology can adapt to diverse patterns of rest, activity and diet. It’s regular schedules that work the best.

If you start to workout early in the AM, your endocrine system will adapt to the pattern. But it takes time, and you may feel sluggish at first. A regular pattern of rest, exercise and eating is less stressful over time. Ask anyone on a rotating night shift, it sucks.

If you’re healthy, your thirst and appetite are reliable indicators of your needs. During exercise your circulation alters to deliver what’s needed. That’s why gradually ramping up your workout helps avoid cramps and fatigue.

Absorption of water and nutrients occurs in the upper part of the small intestine. You absorb water faster on an empty stomach because it passes into the intestines quicker. Many people eat a small snack and bev and then wait a few minutes before starting a workout.


So I have always heard that if you are exercising or even hiking that if you wait til you feel thirsty it’s too late. On the other hand my routine for years has been to exercise first thing in the morning but I do start hydrating as soon as I get up and during exercise.


Yes. It’s fine to exercise after waking up. Have a water to get some in you, but you don’t need to wait.

Water gets to where it needs to be pretty quickly. And you’re not going to be at risk of anything bad from sleeping and losing water weight.

I saw another comment where you said if you are thirsty it’s ‘already too late’ or something. That’s not exactly the case.

Thirst is a pretty decent cue for needing to drink. You don’t need to he drinking water every hour or whatever to avoid thirst. You’re perfectly fine to use it as a cue, and to only drink when thirsty. That’s perfectly fine.

Dont overthink it or panic. Just drink water when you feel you need to. And always keep some on hand to rehydrate as you exercise. You’ll be all good.


I believe it is really fast (within 30 minutes). I could be wrong. But even clear liquids like tea are absorbed very fast and you can feel the vasoconstriction effects of caffeine ( also happens with coffee prepared without any fats )


I always refer to aspirin and other OTC commericials: 20-30 min of expected waiting time for effects to be felt.

Water will circulate and be absorbed quicker than an oral OTC, 10-15 minutes for your peripheral muscles to feel the recent hydration.

An outher reference point is 45-60 seconds for your blood to circulate through your body, and deep muscle tissue flow will be a slower than that.

Whenever I workout, or just notice I’m a bit cranky, 10-15minutes after drinking water is when I notice some dehydration relief.

I’ve also been present for IV therapy and clients report feeling hydrated within 3-5 minutes. Which makes sense for IV vs oral hydration.

To answer your question, you can, particularly if you stretch. If you wake up, drink 8-16 oz of water stretch for 10-15 minutes, you’ll be hydrated well enough with little risk of injury.

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