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How long is your typical fast and how many days a week do you fast?

I do a minnimum of 20 hours a day and i fast 7 days a week. I try to throw in longer ones through the week just depending on how i feel. I feel like im cheating if i try and stop before 20 hours and i only eat once a day if the window allows.

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5 days of 16/8 2 days (T/Th) of 20/4 or OMAD

Sometimes a feast day, sometimes an extra 20/4, but that’s the usual week.

That’s maintaining me around 140lb at 54 years and about 5’9”. Average day maybe 2,000 kcal and I do power yoga 4x week, walk about 5k a day, and try to lift weights at least once a week.


OMAD 22/2 or 23/1 7 days a week. I try to keep my caloric intake between 1800-2000 with minimum of 100 grams of protein. Lots of water. Coffee throughout the day. Tea at night. Best I’ve felt in years. Best shape of my life.


I have been just eating once every other day. I don’t have a specific time frame like everyone else. I just eat a salad with chicken or something in it once on a non fasting day then don’t eat again until day after the next.


18:6 generally between 10am and done by 4pm. At first I was so hungry in the evenings but I got used to it and I put a little nubbin of pink salt on my tongue when I think I am hungry, then I drink water. I have been doing this for 5 weeks.

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