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How long to see results?

So I started doing 16:8 2 weeks ago. The first week was great I went from 275 to 265 but today when I weighed myself today I was at 271. I’m not sure where I went wrong. I’ve only been eating home cooked meals and only drinking water (roughly 100oz a day). The meals I’ve been making have been relatively healthy like chicken burrito bowls, turkey sausage pasta with veggies, stuffed bell peppers ect.

Is going back up in weight normal? Do I just need to start counting every calorie as well? I think I might be eating too many carbs as well. I figured cutting out all beverages other than water and not eating out would be enough but maybe I’m wrong?

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My weight loss graph

It’s normal. This is my weight loss graph. Little under 7 months of OMAD and walking. I’m down 112lb (51kg). See how many times my weight has gone up. Just trust the process and look for results in the long run 😃

Edit: graph in kgs


Counting calories really helped me at the start. I found it surprising how many calories some things I was eating were. It gave me an idea for how big a serving size should be and what things I should cut out and replace with other things. Also logging my food made me question if the thing I was eating was worth having to log it and worth my calories for the day or if I wanted to save it for something else. I only did it for a few weeks and now just kind of know how much to eat of my regular foods. I will occasionally look up how much something new is still though.


I’m in the same boat! Started two weeks ago lost 6 lbs first week. Now I cringe when I look at the scale. I did see a post on an earlier thread that recommended that we keep the long term goal in mind. Weight loss over months instead of worrying over days or weeks. I’ve decided to stop with the scale and just focus on what works for me. Right now I’m doing 18:6 and trying my best to eat nutritious wholesome foods. My weakness is snacking but I like the idea of saving my snacks for my eating window. I don’t feel deprived and I eat less snacks because I know I need to get something healthy during my eating window. I wish you all the best with your journey! We can do this!


Could be any number of things! Hormones, stress, sleep, digestive state, and many other factors can lead to significant daily weight differences. I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Give yourself a month and then check. It might also be helpful to take measurements. There have been weeks I’ve gone up a few pounds but still showed progress looking at the tape. (And conversely weeks I’ve measured bigger but dropped pounds. Gases lol.)


There really isn’t any one answer here, but it could be affected by how active you are and how much you’re eating.

Usually when you make a drastic change like intermittent fasting you see some really quick results and it will then mellow out or plateau. It’s more about making your eating habits consistent and keeping your meals healthy. I would also recommend that you start walking if you haven’t already. Alot of people underestimate how much of an impact something simple like a slight increase in your activity level can have.

You can try calorie counting but I wouldn’t recommend being too obsessive about it. Personally I have been intermittent fasting for about 4 years. I eat healthy basically 6 days a week and then I treat myself once a week to something I look forward to so that I’m less likely to snack during the week. This won’t work for everyone but I also eat almost the same thing every day. I’ve found healthy whole foods that work for me, and I don’t get easily bored by it so I keep breakfast and lunch the same and then usually switch it up for dinner depending on what my wife is cooking. This way I don’t have to think too hard about calories because they’re the same foods/calories each day.

Do I ever deviate and change things up a bit? Absolutely. But the key is remaining mostly consistent and remembering that being healthy is a lifestyle and it’s something that takes time.


You did nothing wrong. Water weight can easily fluctuate +/- 5 lbs on a bigger body.

Stop worrying about it and put the work in. Consistent calorie deficit in a reasonable range 500-1000 per day will lose 1-2 lbs a week on average, the noise on the scale will show you this over months.


Weight will fluctuate but as long as the overall trend is downward, you’re good.

It took me probably 3-4 months to see noticeable results. And by “noticeable” I mean my clothes started to get baggy, I had face gains, etc.


For me a hard lesson learned was to not be affected by what the scales said, easy said I know!

Trust the method - ofc after 2 weeks you may not be fully sold on it, but just give it time and discipline.

If you do weigh yourself then only weigh yourself once a day and always at the same time.

I had many periods where the weight crept back up despite not changing habits, but every time it then came down and established a new ceiling.


Relax, you lost initial water weight. Keep IF’ing, stay active eat healthy. The body fluctuates a lot I go up and down a few pounds a lot it’s the big picture and long run as long as you stay with it the weight will be where you want it in time. Give it a month or 2 and I bet those fluctuations won’t get you

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