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how long to wait before starting another round?

So i did a dry fast for 52 hours, it wasn’t my first time, but this time i had planned i will do dry fast 2 days and on the third day I’ll drink water and have food too (1400 calories), and then again do 2 days dry fast and then eat on the 3rd day. Is this plan okay? Or do i have to wait a few days in between the 2-day dry fasts. (I have joint pain and loosing weight will help me save my hip joints, that’s the purpose of the dry fast, I’ve tried everything else and nothing works as i can’t do any exercise without making my joints go worse)

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Not sure how scientific this is, but the Russian doctors who have been doing this since the 70s have some information in this website that detail how to end a dry fast and also how long to refeed before beginning another dry fast.

From their website:>•The length of the exit period should be twice the duration of abstinence from food and water.

>•Do not start a new fast until you complete the exit from the previous fast.

They have more information on the exit but say the “exit period” is just as important as the fast. So if I understand this correctly, if you fast for two days your “exit period” should be at least four days.

Once I’m done with this fast I’m hoping to get onto a 5:2 dry fasting schedule, so dry fast 2 days then have an exit period and one feasting day before beginning a 2 day dry fast.

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