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How many calories do y’all eat in your eating window?

And how did you decide on that target?

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On OMAD (23:1) and eat 1500ish. Puts me at 1200 calorie deficit based on TDEE calculators. As long as I cook for myself and avoid junk food I find it hard to eat more than that in an hour without feeling really sick.


You get an estimate from TDEE calculators. They take in some simple stuff about you (height weight age activity level) and give you a number that’s approximately what a being like you burns up in a day. Then, you subtract either 500 or 1000 or 1250 calories from that and that’s what you can eat to be dieting.

So I’m 6’2”, 210 and 50 years old. If I tell one of these things I’m sedentary, it tells me I can eat 2300 calories or so and maintain. Id then cut down to 1500 and try to use those missing 800 calories per day to lose weight.

If I tell it I’m a moderate exerciser, it tells me 2900. Now I can drop 800 and still be eating 2100.

But that’s how many.

Right now I am a moderate exerciser not on a diet, so I can eat 2900.


My TDEE is around 1800 calories so I eat around 1100-1200. I chose that because it’s a large enough amount that I don’t feel very hungry and a small enough amount that I can still lose 1 to 1.5 pounds per week.

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