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How many calories to aim for when doing rolling 72s?

Could use some pointers from experienced fasters on how much and what to eat when doing rolling 72s? I’m 6’2 and 315lbs and want to slim down fast to regain my health as I’m tired of feeling like crap all the time. Thanks.

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Eat as much as you want. When you eat clean and natural, no sugar, single ingredient foods only, you can eat literally as much as you want, until you are full.I like a giant, loaded romaine salad. Olives, tomatoes, Cukes, cheese, Avocado toasted nuts etc and a big steak, salmon, or chicken.I eat that OMAD as well. Totally full, totally delicious, and I wake up with a flat stomach.


HeyOP, I started at 340 in March and did all different fasts (16:8, 22:2, rolling 48s, a 5 week etc) and lost 95 lbs in these past 7-8 months. What helped me best was just staying low carb (30g maximum) and then if I was still hungry I would ask myself “can I eat 6 eggs?” If the answer was “yes”. Then I would cook up some eggs. If the answer was “no but I could eat something else” I wouldn’t eat.

Calorie counting is very helpful in the beginning so I would track if I were you. It helps you make sense of the caloric landscape and understand how many of an item you can afford to eat. Then after 2-3 months of tracking maybe start shifting towards eating fatty foods until you are satiated and then developing a relationship with your hormonal responses that way.

Either way just stay drinking the electrolytes, and walk as much as you can. You will shed weight off in no time and develop a lot of energy. I walk 10-15 miles every single weekday now.

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Categories: calories sugar tea chicken omad stomach low carb electrolytes energy