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How many days fasting did it take for you to rid the holiday party weight/water weight?

Just curious how long it takes your body to rid that extra fluff from the overindulgence of holiday parties! Headed for a 36+ hr fast tomorrow! Wahoo!

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Okay, so here’s my fat/fast logic, I will enjoy two weeks of being happy, merry, and gay for the holidays. There are 50 other weeks during the year. My tdee even sedentary (i’m not) is \~1900, so if I eat 1000 calories over that for two weeks (i won’t, well maybe won’t) I will gain four pounds (1000*14). Four pounds. Not forty, four. Will the scale say I’ve gained four pounds? hell no it won’t. It’ll say like 10 pounds, but I know it’s inflammation and water weight. So, if I burn 1900 calories a day sedentary, that would take 7 days of fasting. I plan on doing 2 days of fasting in a 3 day cycle. So about 3-4 cycles, or 12 days max. For 36 hours, or ADF, it would take 14 or 16 days max.


Not exactly the same, but spent almost a whole week on vacation eating a lot and doing no workout, and took me 2 weeks of regular 18-6 fasting with the usual routines of workout to get to the previous stats.

It was worth.

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