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How many days of dry fasting to lose 15kg?

I weigh 85kg at 1,75cm with a pretty good muscle mass, I still have lots of fat imho, like a belly that I can grab but not visible with even tight clothes

I think that I’d be pretty lean at 70kg, I went from 115 to 85 with dry fasting and I wanna do it again, how many days in total can it take me to lose these last 15/20kg?

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Its different for everyone. Remember that your weight loss isn’t that much more compared to a water fast, especially when your body is more used to being in ketosis.

Most people assume it is 3x fatloss compared to water fast, but what Filinov said was that when it comes to the immune system healing the body dry fasting is equivalent to 3 days of water fasting

Depending on how much you exercise and how much your body regulates your temp it takes 1-2.5 days to lose all the excess water. After that you burn more fat, but how much differs from person to person.

I usually assume 1.4x my calories. So if on a normal day from just my weight and no exercise i burn 2000 cal, now i’d burn 2800. Which is 0.4kg a day. Walking is recommended (spread it out through the day if you can) so you’ll burn more.

For you it is likely below this. With your weight and height it is around 1824 cal a day. So you would burn about 0.4kg a day with a little walking.

From only fasting it would take 15kg/0.4~ = 37,5 total days of dry fasting. Or ~30-33 days with alot walking spread throughout the day.

That isn’t counting the days before you run out of water, you can exercise when starting the fast to mitigate this.

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