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How many part time 16:8 fasters are out there?

39 yo female, 177cm, 89kg (196lbs) here.

I’m doing 16:8 x 4 days a week, and just trying to eat healthily most of the time, not following a specific diet. I expect slow results but it’s the only way I see this being sustainable for me. I might increase the days over time but this is a big change so I’m trying to take it one step at a time to avoid crashing and burning/all or nothing thinking.

So far I’ve seen a slight reduction in my tummy fat (used to have the beginnings of a meat apron, now it’s more of a roll hooray!). I’m about 3 weeks in.

Are there any other part time 16:8 fasters out there who have achieved slow and steady weight loss or other positive outcomes?

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I do 18:6 during the weekdays and eat whenever I want during the weekends.

I’m only two weeks in but I’ve already noticed how yucky I feel on the weekends. I’m still eating whatever I want because I want this to be sustainable but I’m already gravitating towards healthier foods.


Yes, I do loose 16:8 part time. I find it helps my insulin resistance and helps with weight maintenance. I’m not looking to lose weight, I’m not overweight, but it really helps with keeping my weight stable.


I tried the alternating day with 16/8 for a couple months and did lose weight but i found i would dread the fasting days and get excited for the non-fasts. I have switched to full time 16/8 and find i am less hungry and dont have the same mental battle. Likely a hormonal shift and psychological help but seems to work much better for me. I think the key is what works for you though. Good luck


Doing what is sustainable for you sounds like a great plan! You could even try upping your IF days per week by another day, or even occasional weekends IF (assuming your three days off IF revolve around the weekend ;O) (mine did before I went 7 days a week IF ) I recently quit drinking, so now, doing 7 days a week IF is more doable for me because I’m not dragging alcoholic beverages out into the evening/night, which would mean I’m famished by 2pm the next day if I tried to fast out til then — I do 18:6 or more. But like you said, whatever you know is sustainable sounds like it would be best for you. All the best.


I do 16:8 as many days of the week as I can. It is impossible to do it every day since some of the days I work until 11pm and have to go into my other job at 8 am. But the days I do not work until 11pm, it is a lot easier to do. It hasn’t helped me lose weight so far, but it has helped me have some discipline and probably has helped me in other ways. I am only 165 pounds, but I’m sure it plateaus somewhere.


I had no success for a few years on Alternate Day Fasting. I was also close to my goal weight, which made it hard to lose any weight at all for me. I suspect that my excess weight, which was in my midsection was triggered by Insulin Resistance, stress and insomnia. I saw zero progress and gave up on fasting. This year, I resolved to fast every day instead of going to the gym because I have an injury which I could not aggravate. I started with 13-15 hour fasting and then moved to 16-18 hours easily thereafter. I finally started seeing results only with daily fasting. All this to say that every one has a different underlying condition, different start weight etc. so, find something that works and do it. If 4 days of fasting helps you already, you have found something that fits you. Go from there and tweak it later if you need to. Good luck!


One thing you might add is to make 2 of your fast days 500 calorie limit days as well. This should give you a more pronounced deficit so you would lose a more noticeable amount of weight, but slow and consistent weight loss is great and arguably better than fast weight loss


I started with 16:8 and then went to 18:4 I alternate now and still seeing good results. Like this week I did 16:8 but two weeks prior it was 18:4

This maybe TMI but on my monthly I gain water weight and this time I weighed my self even tho I feel like I been slacking off ( by doing 16:8 again) but I weight less today. Last week I was 181lb but now I’m 179-180. This is a big deal because once I’m done with my monthly. I should weigh 179 or 178lb.

I mostly eat healthy


You need to do interval eating programs every day. Why only four days a week? What is so pressing that you have to stuff your stomach in the morning? I will answer for you- nothing.

To be successful, you HAVE to observe the water-fasting window every day. Soon- in a couple of months- you will not even WANT to eat in the morning.

I have been doing it for years, and the thought of food in the morning is repugnant to me.

You have to reset your brain to lose weight permanently, and interval eating programs are by far the best way to do it.

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