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How many times did you fall and got back up?

Honestly, I feel embarrassed posting this but I know that I need the support. I (F29 5’1” 140lbs) have tried IF on and off for the past 2 years now. Every time I start, I begin seeing results fast so I get excited and motivated. Then when I start feeling like I’ve lost weight, I don’t feel guilty about breaking my fast and start eating late and unhealthy foods. This makes me gain all the weight back. I should know by now about the consequences of breaking my fast, but I can’t seem to actually go through with IF for more than 21 days. I also feel like my relationship with food is impacted by my anxiety so any time I’m going through something or I’m stressed, I tend to eat unhealthier.

What has worked for you all?

Stop Fasting Alone.

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I find it easier to break the cycle with extended fasts. I’ll do the same thing: follow OMAD religiously for 3 weeks or so and then start to fall off the wagon. As soon as I start noticing I’m gaining it back, I reset my eating habits with a nice long fast of several day.


Mmm, finding out I have disc degenerative disease. I had to keep going to get my mobility back. They told me to bend at the knees and my knees hurt, lol.

I had to cancel a beloved backpacking trip to do 3 months of intensive PT/chiro/traction table. I’m 48. I want to be lively and active for as long as possible. In order to do that, I gotta get skinnier than I was in high school. Give my body the best fighting chance it has.

Soooo, what goal is worth it to you?

TBH, every other time in my life I went to lose weight I would say it’s for health, but it was also for looks. At this point in my life, I don’t care what I look like when I’m done. I want to go on that backpacking trip. It’s made all the difference.

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