Does a more muscular 5’10” x#Lbs person with an equally active lifestyle have the same maintenance as someone less muscular at 5’10” x#Lbs?
Maintenance is MUUUUUUUCH more closely aligned to lean body mass than it is to total weight. Someone at 200 lbs and 10% body fat is almost certainly going to have a higher maintenance than a 200 lb person at 40% body fat.
Yes, but not a significant amount. I think it only a few extra calories per pound. The biggest benefit of high muscle mass and less fat would be more work load capabilities and Non-exercise-activity-thermogenesis.
A LOT! I’m also 5’10”, when I around 220lbs at almost 40%BF my RMR was tested at a little over 1700. It’s a couple of years later and right now I’m about 215lbs at 10%BF and my last RMR measured out at 3400.