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How much fat can i realistically lose in 2 weeks on snake diet ??

I am 5’8 and 169 lbs

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Half a pound a day on average.If you empty your bowels that can be up to fifteen pounds plus up to fifteen pounds of water.So you could show being down 33 and a half pounds at a far reach but you will gain back thirty when you stop fasting and start eating.Some claim you can lose a pound a day juice fasting.I think long term thirty days you will lose a pound a day.Losing weight is insufferable, I used to fluctuate fifteen pounds a day.Stopped weighing myself.Dr. Fung has videos on youtube about what to expect.Good luck, I found doing omad has the same results.


Depends on a host a various elements. Long story short, yes if you fast for 2 weeks, the difference will be awesome and hugely noticeable. Albeit I’ve never seen anyone in your predicament actually do it. Myself included.


I am literally the same height and a few pounds lighter than you so our results may be similar. Right now I’m doing 72+ rolling fasts, so I usually go 4, 5, or up to 6 days fasting on sj.

I’ve been losing around 1.2lbs a day. Last time I fasted (last year) I lost roughly the same amount too. This is an estimate, not every day is the same and I’m pretty sure this is mostly fat.

Accordingly you may be losing about 17lbs in 14 days. But it depends on your routine, with 48s you’re likely not going to see these results. I recommend at least 72s and be consistent on your refeeds. As long as you keep them low carb and low cal (around 600) I think you’d see similar results.

So go for it, become the skinny legend that you are. GET THAT FAT IN YA!!

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Categories: bowels juice fast losing weight fung omad low carb