| | Water Fasting

How Much Fat Loss After 3 Days Water Fast?


Height: 178cm
Weight: 185 lbs / 83.91 kg

Let’s assume I stop eating now and I will drink water + salt for the next 3 weeks.
How do I calculate my fat loss?

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Fat loss in KG = Your daily TDEE * 3/9000

So let’s assume for a sake of simplicy you do some light activity at your weight and height as a assuming male you are looking at

Fat loss in kg = 2500 * 3 / 9000 = 0.83 kg of fat loss. (Slightly less as a little bit of this will be very minimal muscle loss)

You will likely lose more weight from water and food matter being emptied from your stomach but you will gain this back soon after you start eating.


.3 to .5 kg a day. Depending on your activity. All the other weight you loose is glycogen, water, stomach and colon contents, which you will gain back fast. I do pretty well in just multiplying my desired fat loss by 3. So if you want to loose 10kg of fat, expect to be fasting for 30 days, but measure daily and see how your body reacts!

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