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How much healthier is brown rice compared to white rice?

I’m aware white rice is “bad” for you in terms of maintaining a healthy weight.

I was always told that brown rice is healthier because it has the fiber that was removed from the white rice?

The problem is: isn’t it still a carb? Yeah it’s a complex carb so not as bad as like a cookie but could you theoretically eat a lot of brown rice and still stay healthy?

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depending on its origin brown rice also contains the most arsenic because of the hull compared to other kinds of rice

There‘s nothing bad about white rice, as long it‘s not the only grain you eat in overly copious amounts


White rice is not bad for you. Be wary of any sites or sources that demonize particular foods just for having some simple characteristic, such as “white”. Are there healthier foods? Yes. But is white rice actively harming you when you eat it in reasonable amounts? No. It’s all about context and what you eat during the course of a day or week. If you are getting plenty of vegetables and fruits and other whole grains, I wouldn’t sweat the white rice at all.



Carbs aren’t the enemy like some diets would have you believe. our body needs carbohydrates. it’s the main source of energy.

Brown rice is healthier because like you said it has fibre. which means a slower release of energy rather than a quick spike like sugar. also keeps you fuller for longer.


Technically brown rice is healthier, but white rice is better to eat. Brown rice is high in anti-nutrients which significantly reduces nutrient absorption in the body. Just use white rice with your favorite meats and vegetables mixed with it, you will be fine. It tastes better anyway


There is a lot of…wrong in your post. Wite rice is not bad. Carbs are not bad. Americans tend to not eat enough fiber, which is an amazing substance that does everything from maintaining gut health, preventing cancer, improving blood sugar, maintaining satiety and improving crardio vascular health.

Also brown rice has vitamins b in it that get stripped out when you remove the husk.

Now, if you don’t like brown rice, don’t eat it. Put more broccoli on your plate instead. Or peas. Or other green leafy veggies.


Brown rice 99% in USA has some arsenic which is poison and in high enough doses is lethal. Can look on google and youtube to quickly back it up, it’s because of the soil it’s usually grown in. So if you don’t have it too often its probably ok, other than that I prefer it over white rice. But oats are even better and cost the same per calorie


Honestly the best way to test these things is with a CGM. It seems different foods affect people’s blood sugar in different ways. I think the idea about brown rice, though, is that it has more fiber and nutrients and is less processed, and would theoretically spike blood sugar less than white rice. My friend is diabetic and has to avoid all types of rice. The basic idea is that most of us eat too many processed carbs, spiking and tanking our blood sugar throughout the day, and putting us at higher risk for diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Carbs are not evil, but it helps to know how they affect you.


Remember all carbs is not the same. Huge difference between whole food and processed foods. So a boiled potato is carb and so is a bag of potato chips. But a whole steamed/boiled potato is far more healthier than a bag of chips.

Same thing with sugar. Huge difference between a donut and an apple.

With whole foods you get all fiber n other things. With processed carbs u mainly get a few things - esp the unhealthy which makes a huge difference if your family health is not great.


Let us understand the initial stage of these two rices. Brown rice is a cultivar crop, and white rice is the one that undergoes a milling process. Brown rice is a whole grain, but white rice is refined. In a simple row, white rice is made by removing the husk, bran, and germ; It can prolong self-life, but on the other hand, it depletes minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Now I hope you got your answer.


Your body’s reserves of fat depend on your caloric intake. 100 grams of white rice contain 358 calories according to eatthismuch, and 100 grams of brown rice contain 362 grams. So they would have the same impact on your bodyweight.

Brown rice is better for some reasons, but “maintaining a healthy weight” is not one of them.


It’s not better. Brown rice is harder and therefor slower to digest so the nutrients release into your system slower. This is why it places differently on the glycemic index. White rice is just as good and is easier on the stomach for most people.


2 great benefits: Brown rice contains more selenium than white one and better controls your blood sugar levels. I like to compare it to an apple: with the skin as a whole fruit it has fiber and vitamins which is a good protection from pure sugar like.. apple juice


I’ve never seen a fat person eat rice.

That said, I don’t think it’s “healthy” as it doesn’t really have any nutritional benefits beyond calories. But it’s cheap, and satiating, and as long as it doesn’t contain heavy metals, it’s not unhealthy.


Ah the brown versus white rice debate.

Brown rice is healthy… a “good” carb and white rice is a “bad” carb.

1- Whether or not a food is optimal depends upon the context. So labeling one as healthy versus unhealthy is misleading IMO

2- Foods aren’t good or bad. I never link morals to food

3- What “defines” a food as healthy?

Like anything from the grains family, rice contains a certain level of anti-nutrients like phytates which can make it hard for us to absorb the minerals it contains. Over time, a large consumption of phytic acid can be problematic.

When rice is miled/processed the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ and the carb-rich endosperm are removed. This is the process that makes the rice “white” instead of brown.

Now “technically” we define brown rice as healthier because of these nutritious components, the components removed during the processing.

However these nutritious components are ALSO what contain phytic acid which INHIBITS nutrient absorption.

When you turn brown rice to white and remove the bran etc it removes almost all of the phytic acid which makes the rice more digestible and cuts down on the grain based fiber (which can be harmful to the gut).

So while “technically” brown rice has more nutrients, they aren’t available to the body. And the bran is the most problematic part of the rice as far as phytic acid content.

In fact, white rice is lower in phytic acid than most nuts, seeds and definitely most other grains.

Also, worth noting, most white rice produced in the US is enriched to add thiamin (vitamin B1), iron, and folate back into it, leaving it nutritionally greater in these vitamins compared to brown rice.

BOTTOM LINE: neither is necessarily better or worse it’s all about individual context and personal preference. Some prefer brown some white, some people have major GI kickups with brown rice, others seem fine, some lose weight better on one versus the other, some perform better on one versus the other, and so on.

No black and white in fitness. Just a whole lot of gray. 👍🏻


Brown rice, like the others said, has higher levels of arsenic. But, you can reduce it by pre-boiling it for 5 minutes. Drain and rinse it and then use fresh water to cook it. That is how i cook my brown rice whenever i have it. Always wash your rice whatever variety it is. I’m Asian and obviously thats our main carbs and eat it everyday 2-3 times per day. I’m still alive so enjoy. And yes, brown rice is technically healthier due to it’s fiber and protein content. Sub quinoa or cauliflower rice!


Whoa, rice is not bad for you. Carbs are not bad for you. Humans have existed on rice for thousands of years. Rice is a staple diet for billions of people today, like literally half the world.

I hired a doctor to help me eat better. This was a long time ago and expensive, but one of the things she immediately broke me of, was the belief that white rice is bad.

White rice has the least calories and fat per serving when you compare it to brown rice and quinoa. Quinoa is actually high in fat and calories. People think it’s a health food and unlimited, when in reality you can easily over eat it.

Blanket statements about food are what you get from disordered eating.


Oh dear… there is so much wrong with the post. Rice is NOT bad for you! Rice is one of the best foods you can eat — whether it’s white, brown, or jasmine. Brown rice is arguably “better” than white rice. Carbs are also not bad for you. Don’t believe the anti-carb propaganda. Your brain and body needs carbs to survive.


My general rule of thumb is to keep my rice to 1/2c or less - of course mix it with something super tasty and I only have rice maybe 2x a week. Within this range I feel pretty good about choosing either - I usually opt for brown but I don’t feel bad if I do white.

I think where people run in to trouble is having 2c servings multiple times a week


Good question, but the problem is that there are different types of white & brown rice - with varying glycaemic indexes. This makes a big difference, especially if you’re diabetic or prediabetic.

I use Basmati rice because it is low GI & you can get it in white or brown varieties.




avoid all rice

there are better, healthier alternatives and maybe even cheaper

barley > oats

best options last time i checked online

there is a lot of misinformation ‘cos of the evil food industry

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