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How much time between water fasts?

I’ve read different things online. Curious what you all think from personal experience. I’m water fasting to lose weight.

How much time is good between extended fasts? Like a fast of a week or so for example, how much time not fasting before it’s ok to do the next one?


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Really just depends on your refeed and electrolyte/mineral/vitamin levels. If you do a week let’s say, you could hypothetically refeed for two days (one day broth and second day yogurt and protein) and then restart the next day. I find being on low carb helps me roll into new fasts easier. Those days I have big carb meals and try to fast the next day I always struggle and require more mental willpower to continue.


For me personally I do best giving it a month or so between 5 day water fasts. Between fasts I focus on nutrient dense whole foods. The magic of fasting happens during the refeeding stages. Fasting is the breaking down stage and refeeding is the rebuilding stage. If you give your body what it needs it will perform better.

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