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How often do you check the scale on IF?

For those who are successful in losing weight by IF, has checking the scale helped/hurt your progress?

I struggle with the number. While I stick to 16:8, my weight just doesn’t seem to go down. Advice appreciated.

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For some folks daily is too much, but I personally like seeing what’s going on. I find it’s actually easier for me to accept the fluctuations of how the body holds onto water after eating certain things and understand that no I didn’t suddenly put on pounds of fat. I also use an app to plot out the average, so even if I do indulge a little I can see how that affects the progress.


I’ve been almost 8 months on it now, I’ve only weighted once, since my gains are pretty visible I prefer not to get too crazy about progress since it helps a lot to just enjoy doing it without pressure, when I was dieting to lose weight scales made it stressful for me.


I selected daily, but I actually do it every other day. I weigh in on the morning after my fast. (I do rolling 36 hour fasts, 12 hour refeed). I find that it helps keep me motivated because I do see consistent weight loss.

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