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how often do you eat fast food or takeouts?


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When I started practicing OMAD consistently last June, I told myself I could have anything I wanted, irrespective of nutritional and caloric value, as long as it it would be consumed over a single well-defined meal (single sitting, intentional / planned in advance, “when it’s over it’s over”).

About a month in I tightened that restriction to once a week, given that I was becoming progressively desensitized to pizza, burgers, ice-cream and whatnot, plus that I was feeling hungrier sooner and generally wasn’t operating optimally on that dietary constellation.

Another three-four months down the line I restricted further to only allowing junk once-twice a month, as the prior laxer upper bound was not quite cutting it for weight loss anymore. The latter limit I uphold to this day.

While I could probably opt to go without junk indefinitely by now and feel just fine, doing so would likely ultimately start interfering with my social life, which I’d like to avoid. Furthermore it’s kinda nice to retain this little emergency dopamine credit of sorts for those times (hopefully never) my mental health needs it.

Bottom line: Go one step at a time as you feel comfortable (even accept the occasional backward step), always aiming for sustainability.


Yes depending on what fast food it is. Fasting OMAD you need mass calories so fast food fits the bill. It’s not the calories that are the problem for you, it’s the type of fats and general lack of nutrients that will get you. Once a week fine anymore pending type could cause you issues later in life


I’ve been back on OMAD for nearly 2 weeks. I eased back into it after doing 18:6 and 19:5. During that time, I got back to cooking my one meal. At this point, I no longer have the cravings and taste for fast foods. Sometimes, I tell myself I’ll grab something on my way home, so I can be in bed earlier. But, I just don’t want it. The more fast food you eat, the more you’ll crave it. But, it would be my guess, that as long as you’re in a calorie deficit you’ll continue to lose weight. However, if you’re still primarily eating fast food, I believe your health will suffer long-term. Fast food causes high cholesterol. If you’re eating it for your only meal, 3 days each week, I’m sure that’ll do harm over time. Fledge Fitness on YouTube has a video about eating junk while fasting. I’d see what the science says. You don’t want to fast and not get the best results. More importantly, you don’t want to fast and cause yourself harm down the road.

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Categories: omad nutrition weight loss calories deficit lose weight to fast