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How often do you step on the scale?

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Every single day, then use the Happy Scale app to track. It creates a trend line of average weight. Even if my weight for that single day goes up, the trend line is still going down - and that’s a more accurate representation of my progress.


Only when they need me to at the doctor, so probably like twice a year. I used to struggle with disordered eating and weighing myself really triggers me, even in my thirties. I just avoid it and focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit versus a number on the scale. I’m honestly a little envious of people who can just do it and move on with their day or use it to motivate their work out/diet in a healthy way instead of ruminating on it and making poor choices! Good work everyone!!


Once a week or so. But I don’t put too much stock in the result as it’s normal to go up or down by 1-2 lb just based on water retention/eating/ hormones etc.

If you do measure daily then you shouldn’t take too much notice of the number, use an app and take more notice of the trend.


Every day, but don’t necessarily recommend that others do the same. It’s just part of my routine. If you’re just starting a weight loss journey you may be more mentally affected by day to day weight rises and falls, so less regular is probably better.


I gained a few pounds over the holidays I think, so said I wouldn’t step on it till the end of January. I’m more motivated by how my clothes look & feel (and just my body over all), if I get on the scale and say its 5 pounds heavier, I’ll be like “Well might as well order take out, I already have 5 to lose!” lol

Once I’m back to maintance, pretty much daily. Not for any other reason than I’m already standing there brushing my teeth, so will step on to check


3 times per week at the gym I go to. There is a good scale there and I don’t even have one at home. I have been recording my weight and charting it for 10mo. I find it helpful to understand fluctuations vs trends. Dont stress about it just another of my routines.


I don’t have a scale. It broke and I never replaced it. I go by how my clothes fit, my performance at the gym and how my body looks. At some point scale weight is no longer a useful metric of progress.


Daily, although I forget every once in awhile. So, more like 5-6 times a week.

I log it in my Fitbit app, and I like seeing the weekly and monthly averages. On any particular day, it may be a little bit up or down, but the steady monthly trend is down. It’s very motivating.

I use Tuesdays a my “official” day and try to beat my previous week’s official weight by 2 pounds. Seldom do, but again the trend is downward.


I do twice a day in the morning and after work right before my meal. Weight fluctuates a lot based on what/when you eat and how active I’ve been so it’s kind of pointless to check that often (even once a day) but it’s become a habit at this point.


Daily. My batteries went dead a couple of days ago, so i.weighed for the first time this AM. First, try up over 5 lbs. Second, try moved it into its regular spot on the wall up 4 oz. Third, try the same spot up over three lbs. What the heck. It used to weigh the same as the day before until I learned how to reset it. It has been very consistent, but this is crazy. Also, it seems not to need resetting.


I plan to weigh every 10 days, weighing daily is too much for me and causes me to obsess. I’m looking to lose 40lbs (\~0.8lbs/week) this year if not more, but trying to focus more on consistency with fasting and exercise than the scale. I created a spreadsheet for each quarter (3 months) of 2023 with the goal of losing 10lbs per quarter. I’m hoping this will allow for more sustainable weight loss so that I don’t get upset and quit.


I do it once every 2 weeks. I used to do it daily but I realized there’s no need because all I see are fluctuations. I also don’t want to obsess about it too much because I feel it will grow to be unhealthy for me


Once or twice a month - my weight can fluctuate a ton due to water, etc. Even though I know that intellectually, seeing a higher number is really demotivating to me. By weighing less often it’s always less than it was the last time.


I step on a scale daily (same time each day, right after waking up and completing bathroom bodily functions), however I only track weight weekly. Because weight fluctuates and I don’t want to be discouraged or disappointed by small increases, I use an app (Health Mate) that’s paired with my scale to record my weight. Weekly, I find my average weight and track week over week progress in my average weight. I adopted this strategy after listenting to Dr. Layne Norton (reference: https://youtu.be/K4Ze-Sp6aUE).


When I started, I weighed myself once a week. After a while I changed it to every two weeks and avoided stepping on the scale when I was on my period because I had noticed how that messed everything up. Even though I knew the cause, it demotivated me. Now that I have reached my goal, I only weigh myself once a month to make sure it remains stable.

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