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How often do you weigh yourself?

How often do you weigh yourself while IF? My daily weight can fluctuate wildly, so it can be misleading both up and down. Curious what others are doing. Thank you.

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I think the first time I did it I believe I did it once a week. I havent weighed myself since amonth ago. I think its advised to do it once a week right when you wake up because otherwise it fluctuates so much because of water intake or having a bowel movement.


Initially I did it once per week and then at one point I was doing it every day. My aim is to go all of January without weighing myself as I find the number on the scale can be quite disheartening sometimes and throw me off track as a result.


Weighing myself daily was horrible for my mental health so I do every 2 weeks at the exact same time each weigh-in morning. I think I should switch to monthly or stop entirely and focus on non-scale victories like how my clothes fit.


Started doing it everyday. Doing it weekly was disheartening sometimes due to lot of fluctuations. But when i measure daily i see that upto 2 kg weight gain was temporary and it feels good. Also i m able to catch trends, if i m increasing i can do something about it.


Daily, but because it fluctuates a lot day to day, I really only take seriously my weigh-ins on Sunday mornings (just the day I picked once a week). On Sundays I also log my measurements (waist, hips, and what my body fat % calculation is).

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