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How often do you weigh yourself?

How often do you weigh? I can never remember to do it! 😅

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I like to do it everyday after getting up. I find the routine keeps me on track and helps me realize what’s just natural fluctuations. However, it’s certainly not for everyone and I still use an app to calculate out the trend.


Every day. It helps me keep track of my cycle. I always gain weight when ovulating, and after it’s nice to see the weight loss. And as someone said before, it helps with routine, I can’t do stuff once a week and keep it up. Unless I put it in the calendar with several reminders, but for me it’s just easier to just do it every day.


Every 2 weeks. I find myself getting discouraged if I see my weight fluctuations daily but starting to feel like 2 week even is too often. Unsure of your sex, but menstrual cycles really affect weight which is why I’m thinking of doing it once a month now right after my period when I’m no longer bloated.


I chart every morning first thing. It is important to me to have an accurate daily reading.

HOWEVER. For the purposes of assessing my progress I look at nothing other than the average of the past 10 days of daily weights.

Daily fluctuations will drive you insane if you try to assess your progress just from those numbers.


Once per day, or as some said a couple times a day (I have bowel movement after my morning coffee normally). Once per day can make you feel pretty shitty if you’re worried about the ups, but as long as I keep in mind it flocculates, it really gives me an idea of how I’m doing and having more data points on my chart is always good.

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Categories: weight loss courage morning coffee shit