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How often does everyone weigh themselves?

I always thought weighing yourself once a week, same day and time, was best. But I read to weigh yourself daily to keep yourself in check. Weighing daily feels like it’ll lead me to be obsessive.

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I weigh everyday. Keeps me focused and also pissed off if I gain even an ounce. Daughters wedding coming up and I want to look sexy and good! (f60) I almost to goal! Under 10 pounds left!!! Started Nov 2021 SW171 CW139 GW 135-129


I got in the habit of daily but the problem was if I’d been ‘good’ and then the number was up I’d think oh what’s the point then! and end up eating what I wanted/crap/no counting calories that day and days after lol, and not weighing at all..leading to actual weight gain of course. I mostly do measurements with tape measure instead now


I do once a week, I was doing it every day or two and I hated seeing it go up from bloating and stuff. I know they say it’s good to weigh everyday to get a sense of times you retain water etc. But I like seeing a bigger drop once a week, I find it more satisfying


When I was fresh to IF maybe once every 2 weeks. Now maybe once every 3 months. Not concerned anymore about my weight but only focused on the other health aspects like energy, strength, hormonal balance. My journey brought me from “IF, wow for the first time in 10 years I have solid bowel movements” to “wow every prepackaged food avaliable makes me feel aweful now that I know what feeling great is like.” For reference my diet is now vegetable sprouts (all varieties) with balsamic vinegrette, eggs, yogurt, fish, mushrooms nuts , and apples. Compared to where I started at the age of 25 I have endless energy and my skin looks like that of a model. I am so pleased.


Here is what I do.

I weight daily, but I don’t pay a lot of attention to it. I plug the daily weight into a spreadsheet and only look at the rolling 10 day average. That is the only thing I chart. The 10 day average smooths all the fluctuations out and gives a more accurate view of general trends. It’s the only thing I really care about.

It doesn’t have to be 10 days, you can make it 7 days or whatever interval you like.


Never. It works so much better for me to go by the fit of my clothes instead. Otherwise, I tend to get too focused on the numbers. I haven’t got a clue what I weigh now but I do feel great and that’s much better motivation for me.


I weigh daily but not to beat myself up. I like seeing the fluctuations because it helps me learn about my body. By doing this, I can see how high sodium affects me or how my body prefers to eat during the day versus at night before bed. I can see how it’s completely normal to retain water and how my body responds to eating more processed versus fresh foods. It’s just another tool I use throughout the process. I also take measurements each month and keep a vague count of daily caloric intake.


Daily if not at least every few days but like others, I try to look at it on a weekly and monthly basis when tracking the overall trend.

I like doing it daily. Helps get an idea of where I’m at and keeps me disciplined. My first try at IF I had success but slowly got off it and that started with not checking daily. I’d get scared and not see my weight. Doing so eventually led to me gaining back a lot of what I lost.

Now I try to do it daily even if I’m a little nervous. Like the last few days I’ve gone over and eaten more than I should have. I was a little panicked but I checked and while I did gain some weight, it wasn’t as much as I thought it would be. Knowing that is going to help me try to get back on track and stick with it even though things have been a little more stressful than usual.

I’ve been trying to be mindful of fluctuations since that will occur when checking daily but doing it daily keeps me disciplined so I’m sticking with it.


I weigh in every 3 months at checkups. I know that for me, weighing daily or even weekly would become obsessive, anxiety-provoking, and demotivating.

The scale is a very noisy signal. It bounces around due to changes in water weight, which may have nothing to do with your actions. It’s not instant feedback on what you ate or did the previous day. It’ll make you crazy if you take it as a daily judgment. Whether you’re up or down from the previous day means nothing. The only thing that matters is the long-term trend, like over a time scale of months.

Instead of using the scale as my main metric, I focus on tracking the process and non-scale metrics — tracking my hours of fasting each day, tracking my exercise, resting heart rate, blood sugar. That keeps me motivated.

And the long-term scale trend is in the right direction. Three months is long enough that I see a clear change every time. That’s motivating, too.

Now, I think most people weigh themselves a lot more often than I do, and I’m not recommending that everybody switch to three-month weigh-ins. I’m just saying that daily weigh-ins are not at all the best or only way to go.


Yeah, I think how often you weigh yourself definitely should depend a little on your mental health. I have no lie been weighing myself daily when I woke up for years. When I started it years ago, I really valued, one seeing truly how much my weight fluctuates, and two it was really easy to focus on the trend instead of the number (are the highs getting lower and the lowers getting lower).I was laid off during the pandemic and have recently been suffering from some depression, gained more weight, etc but I was still weighing myself everyday. Literally over night I decided one day to try IF and I’m a huge fan. I feel successful by completing a fast even if I don’t eat perfect. I haven’t lost a ton of weight, 12lbs in 9 weeks, but a few weeks ago I tried a pair of pants on that I could not button and zip up at Thanksgiving and was blown away that they fit! I didn’t do pictures or measurements because like I said I kind of started it on a whim. Long story longer, I’ve had some real negativity with the scale fluctuations lately. I think part of that is because mentally I’m not as strong as I was a few years ago. So I finally had to stop weighing myself. I made the decision and it literally took another week to stop weighing myself. Which to me proved I’m putting too much emphasis on it. I feel better not weighing but I do wish I had a daily progress report. I am now in the phase of just try and remember if this is going to be long term, it doesn’t matter what it says between today and yesterday but more where I’m at a year from now.

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