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How often should I check my weight

I started IF a week ago. How often do you check your weight? I’m thinking I’ll check next week after 2 full weeks. I don’t want to focus too much on the weight, but rather staying disciplined. At the same time, it would be motivating to see a change on the scale. What has worked best for you?

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I check daily, first thing in the morning and track trends. Sometimes I check throughout the day and see how much my weight goes up if I drink a litre of water, but I’m weird and like tracking things.

However, I’m a big advocate for taking your body measurements and progress pictures. I usually kick myself when I forget to do those and there actually has been a change 😅

If checking your weight daily isn’t a good idea for you, you could do weekly and also do measurements. If you tend to eat better during the week and have treats on weekends, you could pick every Wednesday (or something) to give your body time to debloat.


I do daily, right after I pee in the morning. I made a chart where I get to colour in a square when I see that number for the first time. Then it fluctuates for a few days before I see that number regularly.


I was weighing every day for six weeks, until a week with minimal weight loss caused me to start obsessing.

Now I do it every 1-2 weeks, and only on days when I feel I might be lighter.

Pretty much, I am only accepting positive feedback from the scale, and am rigging the process accordingly. 🙂


From what you’ve shared, reinforcing the habit without monitoring weight as a distractor seems like a very fine goal. Ultimately, it depends on what kind of understanding you want of your body and how your habits impact it.

When I was heads down in tracking all the things, I weighed before/after bed and before/after workout. I really wanted to know how my body weight changed in that way, it also encouraged me to hydrate more! After you’ve monitored it for about a month you’ll be able to notice some cool trends. I figured out I was always heavier on Tuesdays versus Mondays because my hydration habit was really poor on the weekends, but at work I’d go from raisin to grape as soon as I was back.


Pay more attention to your body with self check in than checking your weight. IF isn’t about losing weight, it’s a positive second to it’s primary goal of increasing your health, wellness and longevity.

If you feel perfect at 185lbs but feel hungry at 155lbs, you should be 185lbs. Your mindfulness outweighs a number on a scale.

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