| | Water Fasting

How should one prepare for and/or transition to dry fasting?

I am currently doing traditional prolonged water fasts and I want to challenge myself starting next month. [More ways to show my body I am in charge.] How much water should I drink right before going into it? How much salt should be consumed, if any? Recommended amount of time to aim for for newbies? How often do you water fast? And how soon do you resume if you pause? [I’m into Omad between fasts.]

Im doing research on it since I still have time before the end of the month. -planning on meats and fats. Low carb if any. -going to take a week or so off of exercising and then pick up once I become acclimated again.

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If you are carnivore then you are on the right track. I have tree years experience with water fast and about 6 months dry. I never intended to ever do Dry Fasting until one day I realized I have not drank water for 20 hours. When I realized it, I challenged myself and slept early. That was my first dry fasting experience. I felt good. Challenging myself to do longer fast was not easy but just like everything else, baby steps are key. My longest has been 5 day dry. Now a 2 day or 3 is no big deal for me. Just listen to your body because you will know how you feel. Good luck.


You want to clean out matter from your intestines first. You don’t want protein in there at all. Your bowles move with fibre and won’t move if not eating. If not eating you will have putrifying protein and fermentation of fibres which will cause damages. If you aren’t super sick then you won’t feel it much if at all. If you are you have to clean out. Fresh pear juice or grape juice for 2 days will empty you. It is superior to be cleaned out.

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