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How to avoid binging after a fast

I do 24-36hr fasts. Afterwards, I find myself tearing through so much food and end up feeling guilty afterwards. Any tips? Self control alone hasn’t been enough.

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I get where you’re coming from. I found planning a small initial meal/snack like some fruit and a shake or something.. And then let that settle and plan a second bigger meal a hour or two later.. Mentally you know you have a bigger meal coming but you give yourself sometime to digest your snack and let your body catch up. I find that actually makes me less inclined to binge as my tummy is more settled. Another trick is to have some bubbly water with the first meal.. Like a soda stream or club soda.. The bubbles help you feel fuller quicker


What helps me is low carb. However, it takes me about 6 weeks to get rid of the cravings and the “extreme hunger” that follows caloric restriction. So, I would recommend keto or LC diet and a lot of patience. (And also kindness to yourself: You are only human. You are obviously trying to better yourself and You will get there sooner or later)

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