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How to break long hard dry fast?

I’m talking 7-8 days. How would one go about it? Step by step. How to get used to regular eating again, stay healthy and not get bloated?

Fruit? Coconut water? Juicing, if so what fruit? Or what Thomas delauer says?

Also, when to re-introduce water contact?

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Breaking a fast is a pretty sensitive process, so people suggesting you breaking a long dry fast with meat is pretty insane. Pretty easy to get refeeding sickness that way. Go easy on your digestive system and kidneys. Try Dr. Sergei Filonov’s approach. He’s been practicing dry fasting for decades in Russia.

Day 1: Hot water for breakfast. Boil some water, sip a cup of it slow over the course of an hour. Cold water will cause spasms and effect the kidneys negatively. He suggests starting your fast at 8am and breaking it at 5 am. For lunch he suggests to boil dry fruit, let the fruit come to a boil then let it brew for 10 minutes before sipping slowly. I recently did this and it’s heavenly, drying fruit is really easy too. It’s like drinking tea. For supper drink vegetable broth. Boil vegetables of your choice for 30 minutes. Sip slowly. Just boil plain veggies like carrots cabbage beet root… in plain water, no salt should be consumed.

Day 2: You can drink boiled fruit for breakfast. He said you can eat rice porridge for lunch. Really liquidy porridge, I believe he said it’s okay for breakfast. Lunch and dinner you can eat little by little fish and potatoes, or fish soup/broth. You can also eat that for the 3rd day lunch and dinner breaking your fast.

3rd day: You can add fresh veggies and fruit, nothing spicy just simple foods, no salt. You can add salt on the 5th day.

I’d recommend just watching a consultation video floating around on youtube where he covers this. 70% of the success of your dry fast is dependent of how you quit the fast.


Raw meat, blood, cheese if it’s unsalted. Kefir and kombucha can be okay if looking to reintroduce biota alongside fermented meat.

Fruits are just begging for the infamous ‘melon belly’. If you want a light blood replacement water with potassium (tastes like unsweetened coconut water lul) can be fine but ideally you keep your stomach acid strong.


I’d do something like this…

Day 1: Water/electrolyte water re-introduction

Day 2: water/electrolytes + broth

Day 3: water/broth for breakfast then something low carb for lunch. Up to you…preferably keto/carnivore though so you don’t spike your insulin.

Continue Day 3 for days 4/5 and then introduce more foods into the process. I’d still stick to keto though in order to prevent bloating and inflammation. Also because carbs can be a food trigger for people.

Good luck!

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Categories: dry fast fruit a fast meat refeeding sick digest kidney dry fasting boil lunch tea supper dinner fish potassium stomach electrolytes low carb keto bloating carbs